Williams, December 11, 2011—Santa had a busy schedule this weekend in Williams with a visit to the Recreation Center on Saturday followed by an appearance at the annual Kiwanis holiday dinner on Sunday. Volunteers from the Lion’s Club and the Rotary Club “stepped up to the plates” to serve turkey and ham with all the trimmings.
Mayor John Moore displayed his “culinary skills” by serving buns at the end of the line.Santa brought some preview toys as prizes for a drawing. Some say Santa’s Elves who helped bring these toys include some of the businesses and residence of Williams.
The Kiwanis buffet-style holiday dinner at Doc Holiday’s at the Holiday Inn in Williams started several years ago in December and has grown in popularity over the years. The volunteers even deliver a variety of non-alcoholic beverages right to your table.
Special thanks to all of the volunteers that make this a special event for Williams.