Sales tax increase initiative to go before Supreme Court.

PHOENIX—Secretary of State Ken Bennett will appeal a lower court ruling on the Quality Education and Jobs initiative to the Supreme Court of Arizona. This initiative would continue the 1% sales tax increase placed on the ballot by Governor Brewer three-years ago and which has ended. The tax increase was promoted to save jobs—union government jobs—and several were cut anyway after the measure passed.

The initiative was denied by the Secretary of State because the official copy of the initiative did not match the copy attached to the petition assigned by voters.

The chairman of the Quality Education and Jobs committee—Ann-Eve Pederson—complained that Secretary Bennett’s decision was “really unfortunate” and charged that he was bending to the will of groups opposed to education. It is more likely that there are no groups opposed to education as much as they are opposed to the quality of education provided no matter how much money is thrown at it.

It is reported that 71% of eighth graders are below proficiency in math which seems to prove that the 1% sales tax does not add up. Many schools do not properly teach civic duties and rights under the Constitution of the United States of America.

Ken Bennett originally wrote in an op-ed that he would abide by the lower court ruling which violates the laws on initiatives. He decided to fight the decision because he felt that leaving this decision in place would lead to future abuses. He claims that his office follows the laws exactly.

The initiative passed three-years ago by approximately 24% of the voters. In Arizona a majority of those who cast a vote is all that is necessary to pass an initiative, not a majority of the registered voters. Only about 35% of registered voters cast a vote in that election. This is why it is important to vote to offset the union vote.