Mexican illegals assaulting U.S. Border Patrol Agents with rocks and bottles near San Diego, Nov. 24. No shots were fired and no arrests were made per Mexican Government demands.
SAN YSIDRO, Calif.—–Border Patrol agents working near the U.S./Mexico International Border yesterday were assaulted with rocks and bottles.
On November 24, 2013, more than 100 people illegally crossed the International Border from Mexico one-quarter-mile west of the San Ysidro Port of Entry in the Tijuana River channel. The group advanced toward a Border Patrol agent positioned one-eighth of a mile north of the border. The agent ordered the group to stop. The group ignored his commands and continued to advance. The agent deployed his PepperBall Launcher System, an intermediate use-of-force device, in an effort to stop the group and protect himself. The crowd failed to respond appropriately.
Numerous agents responded to the scene as the crowd became increasingly unruly and began throwing rocks and bottles. The crowd struck several agents in the arms and legs with rocks; one agent was hit in the head with a filled water bottle. Agents deployed several intermediate use-of-force devices and Mexican law enforcement authorities were contacted. The use of intermediate use-of-force devices eventually caused the group to return to Mexico and disperse.
Paul Beeson, San Diego Sector Chief Patrol Agent said “While attacks on Border Patrol agents are not uncommon, the agents showed great restraint when faced with the dangers of this unusually large group, and fortunately no one was seriously injured.”
No one was arrested and no one was able to continue north.
To prevent the illicit smuggling of humans, drugs, and other contraband, the U.S. Border Patrol maintains a high level of vigilance on major corridors of egress away from our Nation’s borders. To report suspicious activity to the U.S. Border Patrol, contact San Diego Sector at (619) 498-9900.