Happy Constitution Day


“If the day should ever arrive, (which God forbid!), when the people of the different parts of our country shall allow their local affairs to be administered by prefects sent from Washington, and when the self-government of the states shall have been so far lost as that of the departments of France, or even so far as that of the counties of England–on that day the progressive political career of the American people will have come to an end, and the hopes that have been built upon it for the future happiness and prosperity of mankind will be wrecked forever.” – John Fiske, historian, quoted in “Our Changing Constitution” by Charles W. Pierson, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922.

September 17 is designated each year as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day by 36 United States Code §106 (PDF). This day is meant to commemorate the signing of the Constitution. It is also meant to recognize those who, by coming of age or NATURALIZATION (in contrast to amnesty) have become citizens of these States united.

This is not to be confused with Bill of Rights day, which is December 15, nor the ratification of the Constitution. This is the day the Constitution was signed by the representatives at the Constitutional Convention. It was not ratified until 1789 and not by all thirteen colonies. The Bill of Rights would not be added until two-years after that.

According to the law cited,

The civil and educational authorities of States, counties, cities, and towns are urged to make plans for the proper observance of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day and for the complete instruction of citizens in their responsibilities and opportunities as citizens of the United States and of the State and locality in which they reside.

Across the country schools will, no doubt, be having students color pictures of the Constitution brown without reading at it. No sense having a discussion on the condition of the colonies at the time (sometimes called history) or the words of the founding fathers.

So it will be up to you to actually study the Constitution on your own. Here are some recommendations.
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