FREDONIA — The Kaibab National Forest and the International Mountain Bicycling Association will host a weekend trail building event for volunteers September 26 through 27 at Timp Point.
The 18-mile Rainbow Rim Trail is a single-track trail located in the vicinity of the south-southwestern most portion of the North Kaibab Ranger District on the Kaibab Plateau along the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Once completed, the extension project will extend the existing Rainbow Rim trail east for 8 miles.
What: Volunteers will continue Rainbow Rim trail extension project
Where: Rainbow Rim, Kaibab National Forest, North Kaibab Ranger District
When: Saturday, September 26, 9:00 am through Sunday, September 27, 12:00 pm
General Information:
- Camping sites reserved for volunteers at North Timp Point
- Cold breakfast provided both days & hot dinner provided Saturday evening
- Volunteers must bring their own lunch
- Volunteer bike ride of Rainbow Rim trail on Saturday afternoon (3 to 6pm)
RSVP required:
Please click on email links below to RSVP, and please include the number of volunteers that may be joining you in the body of your email. For example: “I’m responding to your National Public Lands Day Rainbow Rim Volunteer Event invitation, Sept. 26 through Sept. 27. Please add myself (+ 2) to your list.” Or “Regretfully, I will not be able to attend your event. Thank you.”