WILLIAMS – All three suspects who fled police this morning are now in custody.
At approximately 10:45 AM, a Yavapai County Sheriff K9 attempted to stop a maroon 4 door sedan for a traffic violation east I-40 in the Ash Fork area. As the vehicle failed to yield, a male passenger appeared to be thrown from the vehicle and was detained.
The k9 unit pursued the vehicle at speeds in excess of 100 mph. The vehicle apparently became disabled and pulled off at milepost 165 near the Bearizona attraction and crashed into a culvert.
One of the remaining two suspects was apprehended almost immediately at the ADOT yard on Route 66 near the Bearizona Wild Life park. The suspect identified as John Dale Freeman fired shots at deputies and fled beginning a six-hour manhunt with units of the Yavapai County and Coconino County Sheriff’s Departments, the Williams Police Department and the Department of Public Safety including the DPS helicopter. The Arizona Department of Transportation also assisted and Kaibab Forest Rangers may have also participated. None of the search party were injured in the event.

Arizona DPS helicopter flies over Williams searching for suspect.
Schools in Williams were locked down as was Bearizona. Guests of Bearizona were gathered in the Gift Shop and Restaurant area for a couple of hours. They were eventually allowed to evacuate the park. Parents of Williams were required to pick up their kids from schools early and kids in outlying areas were bused home at the regular time.

Freeman in custody.
Various reports of sightings of Freeman occurred in Williams with none being confirmed. The search continued in the forested areas around Bearizona until about 3:30 p.m. when Freeman was reported captured outside of Bearizona. The other two suspects have not yet been identified.

Freeman turns from camera while in police vehicle.
Citizens around Williams reported recognizing Freeman as frequenting the Williams area. Others in Flagstaff reported on the Facebook page of the Coconino County Sheriff’s Department that they recognized him around Flagstaff. Freeman may have lived in Williams according to some accounts. Our research shows that Freeman may have a criminal past.
What a “dog and pony” show that was! Some druggy bails outta car, takes a pot shot at an officer with a revolver and runs. By the police presence in the area, complete with cops standing around everywhere with ARs, forcing schools and business lock downs completely across town, helicopters zooming around…you’d had thought Hannibal Lecter was on the lose! After Law Enforcement (LE) terrorized the town for over 7 hours they find the perp a few yards away hiding in a culvert! There’s a real testament to police efficiency and capabilities. Sounds like an opportunity for LE to parade about and intimidate everyone in sight, good PR. A bazillion cops on the ground armed to the teeth can’t find a perp a few yards away in sparce forest hiding in a culvert. Gee!, that makes me feel real safe and confident should someone get lost or go missing in the forest…that our LEOs will be finding anyone with any immediacy. Grandstanding, intimidating, looking “news” worthy???….you betcha, can do!