Coconino SAR rescue Mt Elden hiker – CCSO photo
The adult female hiker from Kayenta was reported to have a lower leg injury that made her unable to continue her hike. Bystanders provided aid until emergency responders arrived at the scene. Emergency responders hiked to the patient’s location and initiated care while Search and Rescue hiked in with a litter, litter wheel, and warming blankets to assist with carrying her out.
The Department of Public Safety Air Rescue Helicopter had been staged at the top of Mount Elden. The patient arrived at the top of Mount Elden and was transferred to the helicopter at approximately 6:00 pm and flown to Flagstaff Medical Center for additional treatment.
The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office, Coconino County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Unit, Summit Fire District, Guardian Medical Transport, and the Arizona Department of Public Safety Northern Air Rescue Unit responded to the injured hiker on the Mount Elden Lookout Trail near the intersection with the Sunset Trail.
This incident highlights the close working relationship between local public safety agencies to respond to and resolve rescue situations. The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the hikers who rendered aid prior to our arrival and remind hikers to be prepared for the unexpected emergency on the trail by carrying at least the Ten Essentials in addition to a charged cell phone.
- extra water
- extra food
- extra warm clothing
- navigation equipment
- headlamp or flashlight
- first aid kit
- shelter material (large leaf bag or emergency blanket)
- fire starting kit
- pocket knife
- signaling equipment (whistle/signal mirror)
Amateur radio operators should have local repeaters programmed into their radios. The Mount Elden repeater is 146.980 (162.2 tone – offset), the Bill Williams Mountain repeater is 146.780 (91.5 tone – offset) and the RIMLINK repeater is 146.140 (162.2 tone + offset).