CLINTS WELL, – A lightning-caused wildfire about 4 miles northeast of Clints Well that began last week is currently being used to clean up forest fuels and burn across the landscape for restoration efforts.
The Eden Fire was reported by the Hutch Mountain lookout just after noon on August 29 and is currently 375 acres, producing light to moderate smoke.

Coconino National Forest Map
The fuel buildup is currently burning on steep slopes in the Lost Eden Tank area in Ponderosa Pine and grass understory within heavy dead and down trees, as well as standing dead trees. Firefighters have used burnout operations for the last several days to establish fire control lines away from the main fire. These standoff tactics are used to maximize successful restoration and minimize the risk to firefighters and public.
Today, firefighters plan to continue reinforcing and constructing control lines where necessary, as well as conduct burnout operations throughout the next several operational periods.
Large amounts of smoke will be in the area over the next few weeks,as the fire continues to consume pockets of previously unburned forest fuels well within the established 19,885 acres fire boundary.
Firefighters, along with various resource specialists, will continue to evaluate risks to property and implement appropriate suppression measures.
The public should use caution when recreating or hunting near the fire area due to hazardous fire-weakened trees, burning stump holes and fire personnel working in the area.
Updates about the Eden Fire can be found on Inciweb. Follow the Coconino National Forest’s social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, to get timely updates on this fire, other incidents, and forest-wide activities.