FLAGSTAFF – Congratulations to John Jamison and Adam Simonsen how have been selected to fill the two vacant Operations Lieutenant positions at the Sheriff’s Office. Lieutenant Jamison will lead the Flagstaff Patrol District and Lieutenant Simonsen will lead the Administrative Sergeant, Search and Rescue, and PIO/community programs areas.

Lt. Jamison and Lt. Simonsen sworn in by Sheriff Driscoll.
Lieutenant Jamison has an extensive career in law enforcement. Lieutenant Jamison has been with the Coconino County Sheriff’s Office since 2006. Prior to joining the Sheriff’s Office, John worked for the Williams Police Department for 14 years where he held several assignments, to include Police Officer, Detective, and Sergeant.
Lieutenant Jamison has 31 years of law enforcement experience, consisting of 5 years as a deputy/officer, 3 years as a detective, and 23 years as a Sergeant. As a deputy with CCSO, he was assigned to the Northern Arizona GIITEM Gang Task Force for 2 years. He was the community deputy in Munds Park where he forged partnerships with residents and professionals. He was a key part in starting the Munds Park Neighborhood Watch, which is still one of the most active Neighborhood Watch groups today. John took an innovative approach to addressing community concerns, which made a significant difference in the safety of the community.
Lieutenant Simonsen has been with the Coconino County Sheriff’s Office since December of 2020. Prior to joining the Sheriff’s Office, he worked for the Kingman Police Department for 11 years where he held several assignments, to include Police Officer, Detective, and K9 Officer. Prior to working for the Kingman Police Department, Lt. Simonsen worked as a Detention Officer for the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office for approximately 3 years, where he was promoted to Detention Corporal.
Lieutenant Simonsen has significant experience in several different areas. His training and certifications throughout his career include Bicycle Patrol Training, Supervisor/Leadership Training, General Instructor Certification, Field Training Officer, Taser Instructor, Basic and Advanced Forensic Interviewing, Criminal Interdiction School, K9 Handler School (Narcotics and Patrol), and Pepper Ball Instructor Training. While at the Kingman Police Department, Adam earned the Distinguished Service Award, Department Commendation, Officer of the Year, Lettie Crocker Award (Community Chosen Award), and the Good Conduct Award. Lt. Simonsen is also an Eagle Scout.
We look forward to Lieutenant Jamison and Lieutenant Simonsen’s continued Service to Community in their new role as Lieutenants in the Operations Division at the Sheriff’s Office.