Coconino County Honored Again as 2024 NACo Digital Counties Survey Winner

FLAGSTAFF — Coconino County is pleased to share the exciting news of being recognized as one of the top counties in the United States for deploying digital technology practices for better government in the 2024 National Association of Counties (NACo) Digital Counties Survey, conducted by the Center for Digital Government.

This is the fifth consecutive year the Coconino County Information Technology Department has placed in the Top 10 counties within the up to 150,000 population category. The County is being recognized for Aligned Leadership, Cybersecurity, Constituent Centric, Data Driven Government, IT Investments, Resilience, Continuous Innovation, Connected Infrastructure, and Business Process Alignment. Some of the accomplishment areas to highlight are the citizen assistance application known as SeeClickFix, Digital Transformation, IT Security, and evacuation map enhancements.

“This accomplishment would not have been possible without the ongoing commitment our staff provides as public servants,” commented Matt Fowler, Coconino County Chief Information Officer. “We have an amazing team and to place in the Top 10, five years in a row, demonstrates the passion and dedication we have for our communities.”

The SeeClickFix application utilizes customized GIS data to geo-filter information, allowing citizens to open a request using their location to return a customized list of available services. Using pre-configured location-based zones allows for quick decision making and dissemination of information. The SeeClickFix system also integrates with the Public Works Department and Flood Control District asset management software. This bi-directional integration creates functionality to provide citizen updates through their request while providing work history within the application. In times of non-emergency, SeeClickFix is used to capture daily requests for County assistance, information, and inquiries. The platform provides quick links to essential information including the County’s situational awareness hub, the County’s website, fire restrictions, current state road conditions, and a call button to the call center during emergency events.

Digital transformation initiatives include scanning historic records for publication on the county’s website. Older County records have been preserved on various mediums including microfilm, microfiche, and bound books which require an in-person appointment at the record holder’s office for access. In August of 2023, Coconino County was awarded a $1,000,000.00 grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, with an approximate $500,000 in County match funding to modernize records for the Recorder’s Office. The project will encompass microfilm conversion, digitization of bound books, digital storage and retention, and online public access.

Coconino County solicited an RFP and contracted with a specialized scanning agency for conversion of microfilm. A book scanner capable of producing Federal Archiving Standards (FADGI) scans was purchased to support the digitization of bound books and will allow for future transformation projects. After digital conversion, the documents will be hosted and served on the Coconino County website. This will provide an online repository for document access to the public. This project does not prevent in-person visits to government offices, but rather expands access to a much larger digital audience. This grant-funded project represents a multi-year initiative to be finalized by October of 2025 with an anticipated file conversation of 633,334 documents and an estimated 1.9 million images, not including books.

Continuous enhancements of pre-defined evacuation maps are utilized during emergency events to quickly identify areas for evacuation and notify responders, decision makers, and the public. The collaborative project between the County’s IT Department, Sheriff’s Office, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Emergency Management (CCEM) departments resulted in a publicly accessible, interactive map of evacuation zones. Users can view each of the county’s evacuation zones and their status, as well as search for a specific address. The maps integrate into the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (DEMA) to provide evacuation zone data statewide.

“We are honored to have placed in the Top 10 for our population category in this year’s Digital Counties Survey. We are extraordinarily proud to have placed alongside so many highly respected County agencies,” added Helen Costello, Deputy Chief Information Officer. “Thank you to our Information Technology team and Coconino County leadership for all the hard work and support in providing innovative solutions to our customers and constituents.”

The Center for Digital Government is a national research and advisory institute focused on technology policy and best practices in state and local government. CDG is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company focused exclusively on state and local government and education.