Are you dead yet?

WILLIAMS—The end of the world has not occurred in Williams, as of this writing, so perhaps we can expect the snow that is anticipated for Sunday night. That snow moved up from an earlier forecast indicating snow Monday.

Barring a late strike by Nimbiru, the alien planet predicted to smash into the earth, the last Advent concert will be held beginning at 4 p.m. on Sunday at St. John’s Episcopal Church on the corner of 2nd Street and Grant.

No massive tidal waves are expected from the Santa Fe dam nor Buckskinner park to flood Williams, knock down homes and kill massive amounts of people because—Well, there is not enough water. In addition they are now frozen over.

Stores and restaurants are open downtown so you might visit and look for end-of-the-world savings.

Of course, we still have until 11:59:59 to see if the world does, indeed, melt down.


True election stories from the south-west.

A friend of mine went in to vote in the August primary. Showing her drivers license (since she is a naturalized American, she has to show one.) the campaign volunteer noticed the expiration date of December 2012. Curiously (since this is August), the campaign worker asked if her license was expired.

My friend, not one to mince words, replied, “If it was December, that damn Obama wouldn’t be in office!”

The polling station became quiet.