Apparently, not everyone remembers the dream

Today is Martin Luther King day. Today is meant to celebrate the civil rights leader of the sixties who made the following speech on August 28th, 1963.

Almost 52-years later, Mark Dice, a political activist in San Diego, asked people about King. The trick is that he asks in the same way that he does many historic topics. His claim to the people is that Martin Luther King just passed away and he wanted to know if they people were going to attend the memorial services.

Bear in mind that he edits the videos showing the goofiest answers he received. He did show one person who knew who the civil rights leader actually was and there were probably other examples.

What is sad is that even when he went off the deep end, as he often does in his videos, some people followed simply because they had a camera in their face.

The ray of sunshine in Osprey Bay

AUSTRALIA – A man in Western Australia seemed to be having a bad day with his radio controlled plane. Around December of 2014, he was flying his R/C plane equipped with a GoPro 3+.

He was flying over Osprey Bay in the Cape Range National Park and getting some amazing aerial footage. A few minutes into the flight, however, he lost control of the makeshift drone which crashed into the saltwater of the bay.

He was, apparently, able to recover the wreckage. Probably thinking it was the end to a bad day, he was surprised to learn that his camera kept recording and recorded images he never expected. The edited video is picking up a lot of views around the world.


The 12 Days of Williams: August 2014

Williams started August with rain and hail so heavy that it caused traffic to slow to the speed limit.

The weather caused some beautiful displays in Williams.

Congressional Democrats were so busy complaining about obstruction by the Republicans that they forgot to pass over 350 bills which languished on the desk of Harry Reid. Steve Stockman of Texas introduced a bill to address the border crisis. Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas submitted her own proposal. This probably helped Independent voter registration to rise in Arizona.

The Panama Canal saw its 100th anniversary.

Senate Web Site photo

Senate Web Site photo

Deputy County Attorney Ammon Barker received Prosecutor of the Year Award.

Arizona State Senator Chester Crandell passed away in August. Former State Senator Sylvia Allen was chosen to replace him on the ballot in November.

Using sophisticated statistical analysis, the Northern Arizona Gazette predicted the outcome of the city council race in Williams. Primary 2014 had few surprises.

Cool Country Cruise-In returned to Williams. (See Also)

Friends of the Williams Aquatic Center held a pool party.
The annual Thunder Over Coconino event was held in Valle.

A 38-year-old male was arrested for trespassing on a houseboat on Lake Powell and apparently holding a party. A man turned himself in for sexual misconduct with a minor. A Flagstaff man was arrested for sexual assault.

Coconino County Sheriff Photo

Coconino County Sheriff Photo

Coconino County Deputies were called to investigate a man struck by lightning and participated in an armed intruder response exercise.

The Coconino County Sheriff and Flagstaff Police warned against phone scams.

A serious accident occurred on I-40 near Bellemont.


Williams held its annual Labor Day weekend celebration.

Arizona State Senator Chester Crandell

One more problem with those electric cars

It has recently been revealed that hybrid cars may not save you any money. Studies indicate that, when you factor in the price of the car and maintenance, it might take you decades to see any significant return. Even if gasoline prices were to reach $5 a gallon.

There is another problem which this surveillance video from December 30 shows. You might go so long between fillings that you forget where the gas cap is.

NOTE: I am aware that this is probably not a hybrid car. This is satire.

Lies and video tape minus the sex

[Title added by Editor]

Not one of the trifecta publicly seen as the political leaders of the Democrat Party; Reid, Pelosi, and Obama never knew who Gruber was. The incredible, consistent, sociopathic lying by these three would be horribly appalling if it were not so damn serious. The sociopathic lying by Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, if not called-on and checked by someone who has the platform by which to do so, will collapse this nation. The American People shouted loudly a couple of weeks ago: “STOP!” The American People overwhelmingly shouted: “SAVE OUR COUNTRY!” The American People shouted at the polling booths: “STOP the transformation of our country; STOP the Marxism dressed-up in all sorts of rags to make it look appealing!” The American People gave the Republican Party grand permission to STOP Reid, Pelosi, and Obama and call them on all their lies!”

Reid, Pelosi, and Obama are racing all over the place telling anyone who will listen, “I (We) didn’t know Gruber, or “he was not on staff” or other lies, lies, lies! STOP IT!! Someone needs to wash their mouths out with soap!! Sociopathic liars all. Just look at the youtube site below where…you guessed it, Reid is praising Gruber all over the place. Obama doesn’t know him, but he was in private meetings in the Oval with Obama. Gruber made close to $6-million dollars being paid to be this all-knowing, all-wise, political and economic consultant, as well as health-care expert. ENOUGH! Enough lies and other sociopathic behaviors. ENOUGH!

Harry Reid is all over the place claiming he doesn’t know Gruber. Well, heck, Harry…just watch the youtube site below and listen to your own bellicose praising of the guy. By-the-way Harry, the date of your admiration speech was December 1, 2009, I believe it was a Tuesday.

Williams prepares for Mountain Village Holiday

640-141029-18WILLIAMS – The trees are starting to look bare as the beautiful fall colors are starting to give way to the coming winter. The long range forecast shows a possibility of snow on Sunday. The city is stringing lights. The Pumpkin Patch train ended and the Grand Canyon Railway Haunted Train has given way to Christmas lights in preparation for Mountain Village Holiday. The annual Mountain Village Holiday begins Thanksgiving weekend and runs through the new year.

The Grand Canyon Railway is also preparing the Polar Express which starts November 7 and runs through the new year.

The City of Williams has sent applications for the annual lighting contest and they may also be picked up at the City Hall on First Street.

300-MVH-1Mountain Village Holiday kicks off with the annual lighting of the Christmas tree on Second Street and a Parade of Lights. During this period the Young Life camp hosts a Thanksgiving dinner and the Kiwanis Club hosts a community dinner.

There is still plenty of Halloween, of course. The scarecrows still adorn Route 66. Bearizona ends their Howly Growly Owly Festival tomorrow. Their new cave display of small creatures of the west—such as mice, scorpions and Ringtail Cats—will remain.

The First Baptist and Family Harvest Churches, across from Safeway on Grant, will hold safe activities for the kids.

Of course trick-or-treating of the houses and businesses on Route 66 will still be available.

Just after Halloween, the weather forecast shows a chance of rain on Saturday with a low of 37. Sunday there is a 30% chance of snow with accumulations of less than a half-inch. A high of 47 is possible during the day dropping to 23-degrees overnight. Fair weather returns Monday with highs around 50-degrees during the day dropping to the mid-20s at night.