Christine Stamper sleeping area.
At full operation, the 10,000-plus square foot facility will offer overnight rest, relief, basic necessities, case management and health services with the ability to shelter 57 individuals each night. Private rooms will be available for families and veterans.
“Catholic Charities has been monitoring state and local data and predictive models to ensure a safe and healthy opening with a phased approach, which has begun. The shelter will remain at limited capacity while COVID-19 still remains a risk,”said Cathy Peterson, Executive Director of the Northern Arizona Region of Catholic Charities. “In the meantime, we know how important it is to provide these critical services, resources and support to the community.”
A family has already moved into one of the three units designated for families. A second family is scheduled to move in the week of Oct. 21. “Because of the need for social distancing, we are keeping occupancy to two families at this time,” Peterson said.
Day services will be provided two days a week (Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) beginning October 23 and expanded to three days a week, including Mondays, on November 4. Day services include access to laundry facilities, showers, restrooms, lunches and meetings with case managers as needed.
Dinners will be served three nights a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 4-5:30 p.m.) beginning November 11 and expanded to all five weeknights on November 23.
In December, staggered overnight stays will begin for veterans and individuals with appropriate distancing protocols.

Family Center and Play area.
“We have done a lot of work to ensure that this phased, limited opening will be as safe as possible. Homelessness is a growing issue in the community, and unfortunately, this pandemic is likely to be a long-term challenge,” Peterson said. “Our staff members have done a great job of pivoting to ensure they were still providing critical outreach while we worked to figure out this plan, and we look forward to serving the community to a greater extent.”
Masks and social distancing will be required for everyone and congregating in groups outside the shelter is strictly prohibited
Other protocols include:
• On arrival, all clients will be screened for potential COVID-19 symptoms, temperatures will be taken and needs will be assessed under a pop-up tent outside the building.
• Once screened, no more than 15 individuals will be allowed in the shelter at a time. Lingering will not be allowed. Once a client is screened and uses the services they need, they must exit the building.
• Only two volunteers will be allowed in the shelter at a time and they will be assigned to the kitchen to assist with meal preparation and delivery.
• Staff will conduct multiple deep cleaning and sanitizing throughout the day and after use by each client.
• Three ultra-violet (UV) light sanitation systems will be used each night.
• The facility also will use the open-air patio in the back of building as needed.
Outreach services, including delivering hygiene supplies, food, water and other resources will continue, Peterson said, adding that nearby North Country Health Care has agreed to provide COVID-19 testing as needed for both clients and staff members.
Additional donations for the Legacy Foundation Christine Stamper Center for Help & Hope in the 1500 block of Oatman Road can be made online at www.catholiccharitiesaz.org/donate-to-BHC. Additional information about shelter services, along with a video tour of the shelter, can be found at www.catholiccharitiesaz.org/bhc-shelter.