Lake Mary Road to fully reopen by noon today

FLAGSTAFF – Coconino County Public Works crews are clearing a previously closed seven-mile stretch of Lake Mary Road about 35 miles southeast of Flagstaff and the roadway is scheduled to fully reopen by noon.

Lake Mary Road, also known as Forest Highway 3 (FH3), was closed on Thursday, Jan. 19 from the north entrance of Mormon Lake (near the scenic overlook) to the south entrance of Mormon Lake. The closure was implemented in the interest of public safety due to a trio of winter storms that dropped more than three feet of snow in the area and created hazardous driving conditions from blowing snow.

During the closure, traffic on Lake Mary Road was detoured along the West Side Mormon Lake Road which loops Mormon Lake and goes through Mormon Lake Village.

When this section of Lake Mary Road is reopened, motorists are asked to travel with caution as some icy areas may persist. The County thanks the traveling public for their patience during this closure.

Lucinda Andreani named County Public Works Director

FLAGSTAFF – Coconino County Manager Cynthia Seelhammer named Lucinda Andreani as the Director of Public Works. Andreani served as the Deputy Director of Public Works from 2011 to 2016 and became the Interim Director in August, 2016.

Andreani, a Flagstaff resident for almost 20 years, has been working with Coconino County in various capacities for the past 12 years. She led the County’s efforts to mitigate the severe impacts of the Schultz fire and ensuing floods, and was instrumental to the voter education efforts for both the increase in the Jail District’s sales tax in 2006 and the Road Maintenance Sales Tax, Prop. 403 in 2014, both of which passed with strong voter support.

“We’re very excited Lucinda will continue her decorated career with Coconino County as the Public Works Director,” said Chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors, Liz Archuleta. “She is a dedicated public servant and an extremely hard worker. She is an invaluable and an active member of this community and is always working for the best interests of Coconino County residents.”

The Public Works Director oversees multiple operations within the County including Road Maintenance and Engineering Divisions, and oversees over 110 employees with an annual budget of approximately $20 million. The Director also manages the County’s Solid Waste services, the County’s equipment and vehicle fleet, the Flood Control District and the Kachina Village Improvement District.

“I’m looking forward to seeing Lucinda continue her excellent work with the County as Public Works Director,” stated County Manager Seelhammer. “The County is always looking for new and efficient ways to improve the lives of its residents. Lucinda is creative and embodies the diversity of ideas we look for. She is a proven leader with the skills and expertise to manage any challenges we face.”

Andreani has a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management with an Emphasis in Environmental Policy from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA. Prior to joining the County, she was a leader in the energy industry working with a major utility and an energy corporation, and with her own consulting business, served large energy users across the country.

Since she came to Flagstaff, she has served on several local boards such as the Flagstaff Leadership Program and the Northern Arizona Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology. She currently represents the County in an advisory role with the Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization and Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority.

“I’m very grateful for this opportunity to continue my career with Coconino County as the Public Works Director,” said Andreani. “I am honored to serve the residents of Coconino County and the men and women of this department who are incredibly dedicated to public service. As Director, I will ensure we continue to provide effective and high quality services to the residents of Coconino County.”

Public Works’ mission is to improve community connectivity, economic vitality, and enhanced quality of life, benefiting our current residents and future generations.

Several Recent Multi-Agency Winter Related Rescues in Northern Arizona

FLAGSTAFF – Coconino County Sheriff’s Deputies and Search and Rescue Unit responded to five snow related rescues over this past weekend.

On Friday January 20, 2017 deputies responded to a female in medical distress who was stranded in the snow when the all-terrain vehicle she and her companion were driving became stuck in the snow. The female and her male friend had gone for an ATV ride off Slayton Ranch Road north east of Flagstaff when they got their UTV stuck in deep snow on a hill. The couple had a disagreement and the male walked away to get help.

The female who was pregnant and had other medical conditions began to suffer from hypothermia and experience various degrees of consciousness. Deputies aided by citizens with ATV’s attempted to reach the female victim, but were unsuccessful due to the deep snow. A deputy was able to hike to the female and began to render aid until Search and Rescue personnel and a medic from Guardian Ambulance were able to get to the victim by way of a specialized tracked UTV. The female was transported to a waiting ground ambulance and transported to Flagstaff Medical Center where she was admitted for treatment of hypothermia.

On Saturday January 21, 2017 Coconino Sheriff’s Search and Rescue responded to a subject who had become stuck in chest deep snow while snowboarding in the back county on the south side of the San Francisco Peaks. Two ski patrol personnel from the Arizona Snowbowl responded from the top of the mountain with snowshoes, while nine Search and Rescue volunteers responded from the Kachina Trail. Ski patrol made contact with the victim and were able to assist him down the mountain to the Freidlein Prairie Road to Search and Rescue’s waiting snow cat. The subject was transported back to the Snowbowl and re-united with his party.

On Sunday January 22, 2017 Coconino County Deputies and Search and Rescue began a search for two overdue snowmobilers in the Jacob Lake area. Two subjects had checked into Jacob Lake Lodge and left the area for a snowmobile trip to an unknown destination. When the subjects had not returned by late that evening, the Sheriff’s Office was contacted. Deputies contacted a flight crew from Classic Air Medical out of Page who were in Flagstaff at the time. The flight crew agreed to fly the Jacob Lake area on their trip back to their base.

The flight crew located two snowmobiles headed toward Jacob Lake on the Ryan Road. The subjects made it back to Jacob Lake prior to sunrise. They reported they snowmobiled to the north rim of the Grand Canyon, but on the return trip they encountered deep snow. Their snowmobiles became stuck in the deep snow requiring them to dig out the machines and delaying their return. Neither of them required medical attention.

On Monday January 23, 2017 the Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call from a snowboarder who was in the back country and had suffered a possible broken leg. The subject left the ski area of the Arizona Snowbowl and entered the back country on the south side of the San Francisco Peaks. The subject jumped an unknown object and fractured his leg. Four ski patrollers from Arizona Snowbowl and 13 Coconino Sheriff’s Search and Rescue volunteers responded to the area.

The ski patrol descended from the top of the mountain with a toboggan while Search and Rescue responded from Freidlein Prairie Road in a snow cat. Ski patrol located the victim, provided initial treatment and prepared the subject for transport. Search and Rescue personnel hiked uphill from Freidlein Prairie to break trail for the ski patrol’s descent. The patient was safely transported by toboggan to the Search and Rescue snow cat and transported to a waiting ambulance.

Monday January 23, 2017 evening, the Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue responded to assist the Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZ DPS) with a tour bus that had become stuck in mud just off the highway. Around 4:00 PM the AZ DPS received a call of a tour bus stuck just off Hwy 180 on Forest Road 417. Troopers responded to the area and found the bus driver had followed his GPS directing an alternate route to Page, AZ. The bus became stuck in the mud about four miles off the highway. The bus was fully loaded with 45 tourists from South Korea. Highway 180 was closed at the time due to drifting snow in Kendrick Park.

The rescue of the tourists was further affected by one of the series of snow storms that hit the area around 5:00 PM. The storm resulted in a quick accumulation of six to eight inches of snow in the area. DPS began shuttling the tourists to a staging area near the highway using several of their four wheel drive patrol vehicles. A citizen also assisted in shuttling the bus passengers. Coconino Sheriff’s Search and Rescue arranged for a bus and three employees from the Williams Unified School District to transport the tourists to a local motel.

AZGFD dispatches aggressive Flagstaff deer

FLAGSTAFF — On Wednesday, Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) officials reported lethally removed a mule deer buck from the Continental Country Club neighborhood Tuesday, following numerous reports of an aggressive deer. Since December, AZGFD officers have responded to multiple calls about a large mule deer buck acting aggressively towards people. The buck was not showing any fear of humans and was chasing people and their pets.

Officers used rubber bullets in an attempt to haze the animal out of the area, but the buck didn’t respond. Ultimately, the buck was lethally removed because it posed a threat to public safety, especially to children and the elderly, who may be less able to quickly react when approached by wildlife.

Meat from the animal was donated to charity and antlers from the four-point buck will be auctioned off later this year to support the department’s law enforcement efforts.

During the breeding season, bucks may act more aggressive as they try to establish dominance over females and smaller bucks in the herd. This large buck was displaying more than normal aggressive behaviors and had the potential to severely injure or kill someone.

The feeding of wildlife by residents in the Continental area has contributed to the habituation of wildlife to humans and changes in their behavior. Deer are now frequently seen in town and not in the forest – where they should be – because they are attracted by food and water sources left out by residents.

“Wildlife become comfortable in town when they receive food and water from humans, which can cause them to lose their healthy fear of humans,” said AZGFD Regional Supervisor Craig McMullen. “We encourage people not to become indifferent to the presence of wildlife. Numerous state and local regulations, including in Flagstaff, make it unlawful to intentionally feed wildlife that can cause property damage or pose a danger to humans.”

The Arizona Game and Fish department reminds everyone to never approach wildlife, never leave out food or water and to help Keep Wildlife Wild.

Amateur radio operators prepare to activate Amateur Radio Emergency Service

FLAGSTAFF – The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES – Pronounced air-ease) is a component of the Amateur Radio Relay League. They activate in times of natural or man-made disaster. ARES in Flagstaff is operated by the Coconino Amateur Radio Club. There has recently been a move to create a group in Williams.

ARES was not activated during the recent Christmas eve storm, but may be activated by Coconino County Emergency Management Friday and Saturday in preparation for what may occur during the upcoming storm.

SKYWARN weather spotters are also encouraged to report snow fall amounts and unusual weather conditions. SKYWARN is sponsored by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). You can also monitor the NOAA weather frequencies available on most FRS/GMRS radios. You can learn more about SKYWARN at their web site.

ARES operators in Flagstaff and Williams will monitor the ARES repeater located on Mount Elden in Flagstaff. Williams operators will also be monitoring the repeater located on Bill Williams Mountain operated by the Bill Williams Mountain Radio Club for emergency traffic. GMRS channel 22 will also be monitored for emergency traffic. Unless you have a GMRS license, you may only use channels 15-22 of FRS/GMRS multi-use radios to call for help to prevent loss of life or property according to FCC regulations.

There are no provisions currently in place to monitor citizens band Channel 9.

The Bill Williams Mountain repeater operates on Frequency 146.780, tone of 91.5 with a standard negative offset of 600 hertz. The ARES repeater operates on 146.980, tone of 162.2 with a standard negative offset. In Williams, operators have agreed on the frequency of 146.940 for SIMPLEX communications. The cooperation of amateur operators in keeping these free for emergency traffic if ARES activates is appreciated.

The operators attempting to form an emergency communications group has a Facebook page for more information.

Residents urged to prepare for winter snowstorms

FLAGSTAFF — The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a Winter Storm Warning today for Northern Arizona due to incoming snowstorms impacting the region.

The NWS is predicting a series of storms starting Thursday for elevations above 5500 feet. The series could bring over two feet of snow and continue until Monday evening with the most severe parts of the storm coming Friday night through Saturday.

Coconino County Emergency Management is working with County Public Works, Law Enforcement agencies, Arizona Department of Transportation, utility companies, volunteer agencies and other community partners to ensure a coordinated response for any adverse impact the storm may have on residents.

Emergency Management is also encouraging residents to prepare for the storms system by following these steps:

1. Sign up for CodeRED emergency notifications at:

2. Prepare your home for extended “snow-ins”: This series of storms can cause power outages and significantly hinder travel. In the event of a being stranded by a “snow-in,” it is imperative to have enough supplies at home to weather the storm. All County residents should have the following on hand:
• Three days of non-perishable food and water (one gallon per day per family member)
• First aid kit and extra supply of medication
• Personal hygiene supplies, extra clothing, footwear, gloves, blankets, sleeping bags
• Extra food for pets and livestock
• Flashlight, extra batteries, candles and a battery operated radio
• Alternate heat source (kerosene, wood, etc.)
• Full propane tank (if applicable)
• Extra set of car keys, cash, credit cards
• Snow shovels
• An emergency plan for the entire family
• There are emergency power packs for cell phones available for around $6 at the various dollar stores. You have to charge them up, but they will operate your cell phone for a few hours.

3. Plan Travel Accordingly: Good winter travel planning is critical for the safety of Coconino County residents and visitors alike. Stay aware and informed about incoming and ongoing storms through a weather radio or by visiting the NWS website at Use the Arizona Department of Transportation’s (ADOT) system for interstate travel information before you leave home. The County encourages all citizens to heed all NWS Winter Storm Watches and Warnings and to stay off the roads as much as possible during a storm. If you must travel, then let someone know your intended route and expected time of arrival.

4. Generator use: If it is necessary to use a portable generator, manufacturer recommendations and specifications must be strictly followed. If there are any questions regarding the operation or installation of the portable generator, a qualified electrician should be immediately contacted to assist in installation and start-up activities. The generator should always be positioned outside the structure.

5. Secure private plowing services now: The County cannot provide snow plowing services for private roads. If you live on a private road, then consider securing a professional plowing service as soon as possible. Even if you live on a County road, a plowing service can clear windrows and driveways (services not provided by the County).

6. No Parking on County roads: County Ordinance 86-6 prohibits motorists from parking on county roadways between Nov. 1 and April 1 on a 24-hour basis. Residents are asked to park their vehicles five to 10 feet from the roadway to allow ample room for snowplows to pass. Remove all private objects from County right of way (i.e.: yard art, planters and trash bins).

7. Call 9-1-1 in an emergency situation: In the event of a snow related emergency, call 9-1-1. First responders will coordinate with Public Works if plowing to the scene of an emergency is necessary.

8. Additional information: For questions about snow removal operations and related road conditions, please contact the following:
· Coconino County: For County maintained roads, please call Public Works at 928-679- 8300 during normal business hours (7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.).
· Follow Coconino County on Facebook at and Twitter at for updates on road and weather conditions as they become available.
· City of Flagstaff: Please call either 928-213-2175 or 928-774-1605 during normal business hours.
· Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT): For highway road conditions, please call 5-1-1 or visit ADOT’s online Traffic Operations Center at
· National Weather Service (NWS): For weather information about winter storms, please visit the NWS web page at
· Emergencies: To report snow-related road emergencies, please call 9-1-1.

Seven-mile stretch of Lake Mary Road (FH-3) to close at 10 a.m.

FLAGSTAFF — Coconino County Public Works Department will close a seven-mile stretch of Lake Mary Road, also known as Forest Highway-3 (FH-3) at 10 a.m., tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 19. Traffic will detour along the West Side Mormon Lake Road, which loops Mormon Lake and goes through Mormon Lake Village during this closure.

The closure will be in effect at the north entrance of Mormon Lake (near the scenic overlook) to the south entrance of Mormon Lake, which is about 35 miles southeast of Flagstaff. This section of Lake Mary Road will remain closed until weather conditions allow for the County to safely reopen the roadway.

The closure is due to high winds and drifting heavy snow caused by wind. When drifting occurs, visibility becomes limited and there is an increased difficulty for our snowplow operators to keep the road clear of snow. In an effort to ensure the safety of drivers, they will be detoured along the alternate route through Mormon Lake Village.

A Winter Storm Warning from the National Weather Service is in effect from 6 a.m. Thursday until noon on Saturday, Jan. 21. Total accumulations from this storm are forecast to be between 12 and 24 inches of snow above 7,000 feet with eight to 16 inches of snow expected to fall between 5,500 and 7,000 feet. County Public Works crews will remain deployed to keep County roadways open and passable.

Snowfall during this storm is expected to be heavy at times, and blowing snow with wind gusts from 30 mph to 35 mph may lead to whiteout conditions with near zero visibility that will make travel very difficult.

Motorists are reminded to travel safely and that accumulated snowfall and wind can create hazardous conditions, including low visibility. For questions about snow removal operations and related road conditions, please contact the following:

· Coconino County: For county maintained roads, please call Public Works at 928-679- 8300 during normal business hours (7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.).
· Follow Coconino County on Facebook at and Twitter at for updates on road and weather conditions as they become available.
· City of Flagstaff: Please call either 928-213-2175 or 928-774-1605 during normal business hours.
· Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT): For highway road conditions, please call 5-1-1 or visit ADOT’s online Traffic Operations Center at
· National Weather Service (NWS): For weather information about winter storms, please visit the NWS web page at
· Emergencies: To report snow-related road emergencies, please call 9-1-1.

As a reminder, County Ordinance 86-6 prohibits motorists from parking on county roadways between Nov. 1 and April 1 on a 24-hour basis. Residents are asked to park their vehicles five to 10 feet from the roadway to allow ample room for snowplows to pass.

Be prepared at home and always have on hand:

· Working carbon monoxide detectors (with battery backups) in all sleeping and common areas
· Three days of non-perishable food and water (one gallon per day per family member)
· First aid kit and extra supply of medication
· Personal hygiene supplies, extra clothing, footwear, gloves, blankets, sleeping bags
· Extra food for pets and livestock
· Flashlight, extra batteries, candles and a battery operated radio
· Alternate heat source (kerosene, wood, etc.)
· Full propane tank (if applicable)
· Extra set of car keys, cash, credit cards
· Snow shovels
· An emergency plan for the entire family

Vehicle preparedness tips:

· Winterize your vehicle (antifreeze, wipers, battery, snow tires)
· Carry an emergency kit consisting of tire chains or cables, blankets, tow strap, jumper cables, flashlight, water, first aid kit, ice scraper, extra clothing, and appropriate tools
· Keep the gas tank at least half full
· When traveling, let someone know your intended route and expected time of arrival
· Allow extra time for travel and drive accordingly
· Extra blanket and food.

Winter Storm Watch through Saturday Morning

WILLIAMS – A winter storm watch is set for tomorrow morning through Saturday morning for the snow fall expected to start tonight. A winter storm watch means there is a potential for significant snow and or ice accumulations and strong winds. These conditions may impact travel. People who were here during the Christmas of ’16 will remember the 28-car pileup on Interstate 40 in Williams. Travel is not advised unless it is an absolute necessity.A light snow will develop and spread from west to east during the day Thursday. Moderate to heavy snow will develop Thursday night, before tapering off to snow showers during the day Friday. A second storm will bring periods of moderate to heavy snow to the region late Friday and Friday night. Williams can expect 8- to 16-inches over the period with Flagstaff expecting 12- to 24-inches.

Snow is expected to start tonight. Thursday there is an 80% chance of snow with up to ten-inches accumulation overnight. Winds of up to 22-mph with gusts up to 37. On Friday winds will be 15 to 17-mph with gust up to 32. There is a 60% chance of 2- to 4-inches during the day with a 90% chance overnight with new snow accumulation of 6- to 10-inches possible. Saturday during the day might leave another 1- to 3-inches as snow and winds begin to lessen. The chance of snow will continue through Tuesday.

The temperatures will remain in the low-30s throughout the period dropping to the 20s overnight.

Winter Recreation Cleanup Efforts Involve Many Resources

The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office and Coconino National Forest wants citizens to be aware of the work being done by the Coconino Sheriff’s Inmate Work Crew and Forest Service personnel to help mitigate the unsightly broken sleds and other trash left behind on public lands during winter recreation. Many residents and visitors have voiced their concerns about large amounts of trash that has been left behind during winter recreation. Few agencies have enough resources to handle the trash issues alone and there are no trash services on public lands, which is why it is important for people recreating in the snow to clean up any trash or broken sleds before leaving the area.As more and more people leave their trash behind, more and more help is needed to clean it up. The Coconino Sheriff’s Inmate Work Crew helping to pick up trash and take care of public lands is yet another example of the many ways inmates are giving back to the community in a positive way. The Inmate Work Crew has worked closely with the Coconino National Forest on this and other projects such as flood mitigation and cleanup of transient camps in the area. The Inmate Work Crew is regularly involved in picking up trash on public lands and has had work days in Williams, Tusayan, Tuba City, Timberline, and Picture Canyon, to name a few. The Crew also regularly assists other organizations such as County Public Works with graffiti removal, social service organizations with wood cutting for people in need, and County Parks and Recreation with projects.Please help keep Flagstaff and the surrounding communities beautiful, and take care of your public lands so everyone can enjoy them. Pack out your trash after enjoying time playing in the snow in Northern Arizona.

Two Recent Winter Recreation Rescues on the San Francisco Peaks

FLAGSTAFF – The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office, with the assistance of the Arizona Snowbowl has conducted two search and rescue missions on the San Francisco Peaks in the last couple of days.

The first was a search for two lost hikers who had attempted to summit Humphrey’s Peak by using the Humphrey’s Trail on January 10th. The trail was mostly indistinguishable due to the snow cover. The adult male and adult female called 911 at approximately 4:45 PM from a location at approximately 10,750 feet. The two hikers were unable to navigate back to the trail head and were becoming cold and did not have equipment for night time hiking. Coconino County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue personnel responded to the call and were assisted by the Arizona Snowbowl grooming snowcats so that they could be inserted near the wilderness boundary near the top of the Humphrey’s Chair Lift. The SAR personnel then hiked to the location of the hikers and provided them with warm clothes, food, and water before bringing them back to the top of the Humphrey’s Chair Lift where the snowcats transported them back to the Agassiz Lodge at 9:00 PM. Neither hiker requested any medical attention.

On January 11th at 12:45 PM Arizona Snowbowl Ski Patrol notified the Sheriff’s Office about two lost snowboarders who had left the ski area boundary and were in the area known as First Gully south of the ski area. The two snowboarders were separated by approximately half a mile. Ski Patrol, at the request of the Sheriff’s Office, left the ski area and skied down First Gully to locate one of the snowboarders. SAR personnel hiked in to the Viet Spring area to attempt to locate the second snowboarder. The second snowboarder eventually hiked out to the Viet Spring parking area where he was located by SAR personnel. Both snowboarders were reunited at the Viet Spring parking area and then reunited with friends at the Agassiz Lodge. Neither requested any medical attention.

In both missions the subjects were not adequately prepared for the winter backcountry. Winter trails that appear on maps may not be discernible in the field due to snow cover. Good backcountry navigation skills may be necessary including map reading, compass skills, and GPS skills. All backcountry travelers should be prepared with the “ten essentials” plus three winter backcountry essentials in addition to a cell phone. The “ten essentials” include water, food, extra warm clothing, navigation equipment, headlamp/flashlight, first aid kit, shelter material/space blanket, fire starting kit, pocket knife/mulit-tool, and whistle/signal mirror. The winter backcountry essentials are an avalanche shovel, avalanche probe, and avalanche beacon. A cell phone is a good item to carry but backcountry travelers should be aware that cellular service may not be available. Even if your cell phone does not indicate that it has signal, if you have an emergency you should still attempt to call 911. All backcountry travelers should leave a detailed trip plan with a trusted person who can contact emergency services in the event that the traveler does not check in or return by a specified time. When exploring the winter backcountry on the San Francisco Peaks the backcountry travelers should be aware of the potential for avalanche hazards. Additional education about avalanche hazards and avoidance is available from the Kachina Peaks Avalanche Center at