NATIONAL — While listening to President Donald J. Trump speak on June 6, 2023 at North Carolina, he mentioned a few interesting things. One thing he said he would hold a year long celebration to honor America. I’m not sure, but I think I recall that he said he would start in on July 4th. I guess that is as good a day as any. Though I still cringe when people say “July 4th” instead of the appropriate “Independence Day,” July 4th was not the true Independence Day. It was the date the proclamation was issued for a vote that was taken on July 2nd. Thus, July 2nd was the date that Independence was actually declared.
36 United States Code §110 designates June 14th as Flag Day. The law “requests” that the President issue a proclamation calling on “…United States Government officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings…” The President is also supposed to urge “…the people of the United States to observe Flag Day as the anniversary of the adoption on June 14, 1777, by the Continental Congress of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States.” That is the flag that has thirteen red and white stripes with stars on a blue background. That is the ONLY flag that is supposed to be displayed and honored. Whether it be the current flag with fifty stars or thirteen, it should not matter. The so-called Betsy Ross flag was, of course, the original honoring the thirteen colonies.
Most people do not know, however, that there is an actual “Pride” month celebration during this period. 36 USC §112 designates the 21-day from Flag Day to Independence day as “…a period to honor America.” 36 USC §112 (b) is a declaration in which “…Congress declares that there be public gatherings and activities during that period at which the people of the United States can celebrate and honor their country in an appropriate way.” It is not “appropriate” to loot and burn. That is not appropriate at anytime no matter what the current “administration” says. Likewise, drag queen hour and grooming of children.
What we suggest is that you take the time to review history. One thing you can do is watch the mini-series John Adams. The Patriot is another good selection (not the 1928 version). There are others; pick your favorite. You might be able to find these movies on line for free or they might be available through one of your streaming subscriptions, such as Prime or Sling.
How about doing a little study? Check out The Federalist Papers. These are the arguments by John Jay, James Madison and the first corrupt official in our government, Alexander Hamilton. Hilldale college has a free course on the Federalist Papers. I strongly recommend No. 29
You might find some interesting things on the web site. It is packed with Public Domain videos, audio books, old magazines. Even donated video and audio from around the country; e.g. “home movies.” You might want to listen to this selection.
We hope that what ever you do to celebrate will bring you to the conclusion that you should never show your total ignorance by wishing some one a “Happy Fourth of July.” You should reply to that greeting with “Happy Independence Day” without slapping them in the face though you are very tempted to do. There is a reason that the current government wants you to celebrate the date on the calendar rather than what it represents. Be a rebel. Go ahead and say Happy Independence day.

The flag of my Country.