Al Dunaway and Mike Rioux man the tables for the VFW fundraising efforts.
WILLIAMS—Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Matthew James Broehm Post 12128 stationed themselves to promote their fundraising activities today. The table was set outside of the entrance to the mall which contains their new office and meeting place.
The Matthew J. Broehm VFW post was formed in official ceremonies December of 2012. Commander George G. Riojas, Sr was sworn in as the Commander of the new post. The name of the service organization honors Marine Lance Corporal Matthew James Broehm of Williams who was lost in action during Operation Enduring Freedom. Lance Cpl. Broehm was killed along with Lance Cpl. Brandon W. Pearson on November 4, 2010.
The service organization conducts official meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month, but gathers every Thursday at 2 pm. Mike Rioux is Liaison Service Officer whose function is to assist all veterans and returning service members in getting the benefits they earned from their years of service.
The VFW is selling See’s Candies for Mother’s Day in order to raise funds for their operation. There are several varieties to choose from and they will place the order on the 6th of May in order to receive the candies on the 9th in time for Mother’s Day. Mother’s day is Sunday, the 12th. In addition they are selling hats and pins which may be purchased anytime. The pins might also make a perfect Mother’s Day gift.
Orders for candies or pins can be made when members are at their meeting on Thursdays or you may contact Al Dunaway almost any weekday at the American Legion John Ivens Post #42 office right next door to the VFW office. Al is a member of both service organizations. You can also email them at williamsvfwpost@hotmail.com.
They are also taking donations and selling raffle tickets for the Williams Veteran’s Memorial. A quilt is being raffled off for the memorial, appropriately, on Memorial Day. The cost of the tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20.
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