Sign the Declaration of Independence

The National Archives has devised an interesting way to be a part of history. Or to collect names for the next edition of the Department of Homeland Security Domestic Terrorist magazine. You can now sign the Declaration of Independence. Ironically, they even warn you.

Wonder what happens if you decide not to sign?

The Declaration of Independence was ratified by adopting the Lee Resolution for Independence with only New York not voting. After some minor changes by Franklin and Adams, according to the web site, it was declared officially adopted on July 4th 235 years ago in 1776.

Their Charters of Freedom web site has photographic images and text transcripts of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. At the bottom of that page is a button which takes you to a page with another link to sign and other links to information about the signers and a timeline for the events surrounding the Declaration.

You can elect to sign the document in three different fonts; Colonist, American and Patriot. You can print on a color or black-and-white printer. Make sure you used the print link at the bottom of the page and do not try to print from your browser print function. Flash is required to use the program.

And you thought that investment in parchment paper was foolish.

Direct link to start signing.

Williams TEA party joins blackout protest

Today at midnight, Wikipedia blacked out the English version of their encyclopedia on the Internet. They were joined by a host of other web sites.

The Williams TEA Party, while not totally blacked out, joined the protest by blacking out the header on their web site with a quote by Thomas Jefferson.