American Legion Commander Dellinger calls for VA Secretary to resign

American Legion National Commander Daniel Dellinger calls for resignation of VA officials.

American Legion National Commander Daniel Dellinger calls for resignation of VA officials.

In front of local media and a live Internet audience, American Legion National Commander Daniel M. Dellinger today called for the resignations of Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki, Under Secretary of Health Robert Petzel and Under Secretary of Benefits Allison Hickey.

Dellinger cited poor oversight and failed leadership as the reason for calling for the resignations – something The American Legion hasn’t done regarding a public official in more than 30 years.

“Gen. Eric Shinseki has served his country well,” Dellinger said. “His patriotism and sacrifice for this nation are above reproach. However, his record as the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs tells a different story. The existing leadership has exhibited a pattern of bureaucratic incompetence and failed leadership that has been amplified in recent weeks.”

Dellinger pointed to allegations from multiple whistleblowers of a secret waiting list at the Phoenix VA Health Care System that may have resulted in the death of approximately 40 veterans, that VA previously had acknowledged that 23 veterans throughout the health-care system have died as a result of delayed care in recent years, and a the findings of an investigation by VA’s Office of Medical Inspector that clerks at the VA clinic in Fort Collins, Colo., were instructed last year how to falsify appointment records so it appeared the small staff of doctors was seeing patients within the agency’s goal of 14 days, according to the investigation.

Read more at The American Legion

Run for the Wall reminds us of what Memorial day is about

somegaveallWILLIAMS – While most Americans feel that Memorial Day is to mark the beginning of summer and barbeque season, there are those who actively participate in what Memorial Day was actually meant to be. The day is meant to honor the approximate 7% of those Americans who have actually served and are serving to keep this country free from tyranny.

In about a week, the motorcycle riders of Run for the Wall will arrive in Williams once again. The Run for the Wall mission actually consists of three routes with the Central route making its first stop in Williams at the Cordova Post American Legion Hall.

Run For The Wall (RFTW) was started in 1989 by Vietnam veterans James Gregory and Bill Evans. The mission is to promote healing among all veterans and their families and friends and to call for an accounting of all still listed as prisoners of war (POW) or missing in action (MIA).

Sergeant Bowe R. Bergdahl of Idaho is still a prisoner of war in Afghanistan.

The ride consists mostly of Vietnam veterans, but younger veterans are invited and are starting to answer the call. Some riders are not veterans, but are friends, relatives and others who want to honor those who gave all.

The run begins on the 14th, this year, and the riders usually begin arriving between 4 and 5 pm. The American Legion Cordova Post #13 in Williams hosts a barbeque for the group between 7 and 8 pm. The riders then rest up for the continuation of their ride through New Mexico. The three routes converge in Washington, D.C. at the Vietnam Veteran’s Wall memorial for the Memorial weekend.

The group Rolling Thunder, founded about the same time, makes a Memorial Day run to Washington, D.C. as well. Their mission to bring attention the POW/MIAs is the same as Run for the Wall.

Their motto—We ride for those who can’t—indicates the fact that they ride in honor of those fallen heroes killed in action and those serving in the active duty military, as well as the POW/MIAs.
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Matthew J. Broehm VFW post selling See’s candy for your Valentine.

see-candy-valentineWILLIAMS—The members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Matthew James Broehm Post #12128 are trying to raise money and you can be the beneficiary. Orders are being taken at their office in the mall in downtown Williams next to the Grand Canyon Coffee and Cafe. Orders may also be placed with Al Dunaway at the John Ivens American Legion Post #42 next to the VFW office. For more information, you can email

Orders must be placed by Thursday to ensure the candy will be delivered in time for Valentine’s Day.

Combine the candy with a gift and flowers from the new Briar Patch florist and you will be ready for the 14th. The Briar Patch is located on route 66 next to Circle K.

Your purchase will support the activities of the heroes of the VFW post.

Cataract Park open after Saturday dedication

cataract-park-entranceWILLIAMS—Saturday the thirteenth was not unlucky for the residents as they opened the $2.3 million Cataract Lake Park with an eventful dedication. Politicians were there to thank everyone except for Williams Police Sergeant Ted Wigal who directed traffic at entrance. (So we get to be the first to thank him for his service!) I-40 Fleet Services even provided kayaks for rides on the lake.

Mayor John Moore was joined by Williams City Councilmen Hiemenz and Payne for the celebration. District 4 Supervisor Mandy Metzger and District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta joined District 3 Supervisor Matt Ryan.


The event was staffed by volunteers from a number of non-profit groups around the community. The American Legion, as usual, conducted the barbeque provided by the city. Camp Civitan provided a van to shuttle people from the parking area to the park. The Kiwanis and Lions Club members served the food. Volunteers staffed the Coke van provided by Swire. Parks and recreation staff were on hand and volunteer children tested the playground during the speeches. The Freshman class of the Williams High School baked and decorated the cake for the cake cutting ceremony.

Everything was going fine until the politicians started fighting over the key.

Everything was going fine until the politicians started fighting over the key.

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Run for the Wall stops at the American Legion for supper

WILLIAMS—The American Legion in Williams set up a dinner for the riders of Run for the Wall event. Mayor John Moore as usual welcomed the riders and thanked them for their service.

Run for the Wall is an annual event since 1989 in which veterans of all services ride to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. to arrive by Memorial Day. They ride to bring attention to the still missing in action and prisoners of war from all wars and to honor those who were killed in action. Their motto is “We ride for those who can’t.”

The policy of the federal government until recently has always been to not leave men behind in a war.

Mayor John Moore welcomes the veterans.

Richard Aguilar of the American Legion Cordova Post #13 organizes the event each year. With the help of his brother Eddie and Melvin Berry they organized volunteers to set up, cook and clean-up after the event.

Commander of the Post Horacio Ortiz said that the volunteers were having a great time this year and were in high spirits. He was extremely happy with all of the volunteers.

Veterans stop to say hello to local residents.

The efforts of the Legion are appreciated by the riders of Run for the Wall who make Williams their first stop each year.

The Prescott Veteran Center brought a van to the event with various gifts for the veterans. These included a pocket calendar, various health pamphlets and stress squeeze foam items. One of the most useful to Navy veterans involved in anti-submarine warfare is a foam squeeze submarine.

Local welcome dog Prince receives a new tag from Run for the Wall crew.