NEW YORK—New York papers are reporting on the plight of residents with limited arms in Queens and Brooklyn in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

New York Daily News
The New York Daily News reports, “Ever since Sandy strafed the Queens peninsula and tore up the boardwalk, it’s become an often lawless place where cops are even scarcer than electrical power and food. Locals say they are arming themselves with guns, baseball bats, booby traps — even a bow and arrow — to defend against looters.”
It is there that 42-year old Keone Singlehurst stands guard on his Beach 87th street bungalow with bow-and-arrow. Another surfer has knives, a machete and bow-and-arrow ready also. 34-year old Danielle Harris had to booby trap her door and keeps a baseball bat next to her bed to protect her and her children against looters. There are other reports of various methods residents are using to stop looters and criminals from entering their homes.
Yet, in the midst of the reports of staving off roving looters, there are reports of people cleaning up the damage from Sandy and providing food and aid to those in need in the area.

New York Post – Jacinto Gonzalez stands guard against looters in Coney Island.
In Coney Island residents are loading up what guns they have and brandishing baseball bats and machetes.
“Hardened New Yorkers are ready to battle lowlife criminals to protect their homes and stores in storm-ravaged areas plagued by looting and break-ins,” the New York Post reports.
Reports on the Internet allege that New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg has refused to allow National Guard assistance in Brooklyn because they carry guns. The Borough President asked for the assistance in hopes that the show of those guns would limit the necessity of residents taking matters into their own hands.
Despite the reports of looters and criminals possibly taking advantage of the hurricane disaster, there are no reports of people actually having to use any weapons in their defense nor vigilante activity. The show of force seems to be enough to stave off much of the criminal element.
NY Daily News: Queens residents arm themselves in the post-storm blackout from looters
New York Post: B’klyn bat man: Run, looters!
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