DALLAS – Chipotle Mexican Grill is the latest large chain to prohibit firearms into their restaurants after the Dallas chapter of Open Carry Texas stopped to eat after a demonstration. The carrying of firearms into the store was not a part of the demonstration according to an article on the Forbe’s web site.
A previous incident apparently occurred at a Jack-in-the-Box in Forth Worth. Open Carry Texas member Edwin Harros stated in an interview that their members are required to carry their semi-automatic rifles on their backs. Jack-in-the-Box, to date, has not issued a statement banning firearms in their establishments.
An anti-gun activist group called “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” began a Twitter campaign on Monday against customers bringing guns into Chipotle. The gun control group is backed by billionaire Michael Bloomberg.
The company responded with a statement that read in part,
“The issue of gun ownership or gun rights has become one of the most contentious debates in the country. Chipotle has never taken a position on this issue, as we focus instead on our mission to change the way people think about and eat fast food.
“Recently participants from an “open carry” demonstration in Texas brought guns (including military-style assault rifles) into one of our restaurants, causing many of our customers anxiety and discomfort. Because of this, we are respectfully asking that customers not bring guns into our restaurants, unless they are authorized law enforcement personnel.”
Arizona Revised Statute 4-229 requires any establishment not allowing firearms to post a sign in a conspicuous location containing a pictogram of a firearm with a red circle and diagonal red line across the firearm with the words, “no firearms allow pursuant to A.R.S. section 4-229.” A person is allowed to enter a posted establishment in order to seek emergency aid or to determine if the sign is posted pursuant to this law. Any private property owner is allowed to prohibit firearms on their property.
Starbucks also asked people not to bring firearms into their establishment or outdoor seating areas in 2013 which represents a ban on firearms, but did not specifically call it that.
Arizona-based Sprout’s Market is also backing their ban on firearms fifty-percent. They have banned firearms, but apparently do not feel comfortable with conforming to Arizona Revised Statute by posting the required signs.
Discretion being the better part of valor, if a person with a firearm enters an establishment without the required signage and is asked to leave, it is best not to get into an argument. Simply remind them that they are not in compliance with A.R.S. 4-229 and leave the store. Report the violation to the appropriate authority.
Arizona does have so-called Constitutional concealed carry, which means any legal US citizen of Arizona may carry concealed, but only persons with a concealed carry permit may enter an establishment that serves alcohol and no one may drink while carrying a firearm.
According to the article, the anti-gun group stated they
“…support the Second Amendment… In states where no background checks or training are required to buy semi-automatic rifles and carry them openly in public, businesses have a duty to protect their employees and patrons.”
Federal law requires a background check for any person purchasing a firearm in any gun store in the nation.
Arizona Revised Statue 15-714.01 allows schools to conduct firearms safety courses. The courses may provide instruction which includes the rules of firearm safety, basic operation of firearms, history of firearms, marksmanship, the role of firearms in preserving peace and freedom and the constitutional roots of the right to keep and bear arms…