Producer Kerry-Lynn Moede (sitting) and Cosette Riggs (standing) explain the vision of the upcoming Christmas Pageant.
WILLIAMS — Organizers for the proposed Christmas Nativity pageant on December 23 held their first meeting with members of the community tonight. The meeting was held at the Babbit-Polson Community Stage where the event will be held.
Director Cosette Riggs said of the ambitious project, “This is an old-fashioned, nativity Christmas pageant. The pastors will be the narrators and the whole town can be shepherds, sheep, angels, and choir and band, and just helpers. We’re all together.
“We need angels, and shepherds and sheep. We need choir singers and we need any musicians that want to join in.
“We also need people that are just with us to be our eyes and our ears for the safety of our children, because we will have some heaters out here.
“Parents and other big people can also be angels and shepherds and it kind of helps kids and encourages them that they are not alone and they won’t be so shy.”
Cosette said that they are going to appoint a costume designer who will organize the help to create the costumes. She said they could use help to dress the participants at the pageant.

Producer Kerry-lynn Moede, operator of the Historic Yellow House, explained that the rehearsal process will be modular. Each group—eg. choir, musicians, actors—will have to rehearse on their own. The participants will then come together one or two times before the event to rehearse together.
Old Trail’s True Value Hardware has committed to building a nativity set. Other businesses are welcome to donate cookies, cupcakes, doughnuts or other similar food items and coffee, cocoa, hot cider or other drinks.
The pageant will be on December 23 at 6:30 p.m., so Cosette recommends that participants plan on warm clothing underneath the costumes. Of course people planning to come and see the show should heed the same advice.
Anyone desiring to participate in any fashion can contact producer Kerry-Lynn Moede at 602-818-6559 or by email jdmoede@aol.com.
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