Brooklyn man arrested and charged in five hateful “knockout” attacks on women.

Four individuals were arrested in the latest 'knockiout' game earlier this morning

NEW YORK—The New York Daily News and New York Post are reporting on the arrest of a Brooklyn man by the NYPD hate crimes unit for five alleged “knockout” attacks perpetrated against women.

Police sketch of Barry Baldwin, 35 of Brooklyn.

Police sketch of Barry Baldwin, 35 of Brooklyn.

According to the reports, 35 year-old Barry Baldwin attacked his hapless victims from November 9 through Christmas eve. Victims were Jewish women ranging from 20 to 78 years of age. One woman had a 7 year old child with her for which prosecutors added a charge of endangering a child.

Initial reports had police treating this as a hate crime since it was specifically against the Jewish community. But it was, unfortunately, reported as being downgraded. Prosecutors would not comment on the reason for the downgrade from a hate crime.

“Everyone will sleep a little easier,” said Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who has been warning the community about the menace.

Feds charge white ‘knockout’ suspect with hate crime


‘The plan is to see if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised?’

Federal authorities said Thursday they have arrested and charged a Texas man in connection with the “knockout game,” accusing him of a hate crime for targeting a black man for a vicious street attack.

Most knockout victims that have appeared in news reports have been white, but the Justice Department said in this instance the victim was a 79-year-old black man, and stepped in with federal charges

“Suspected crimes of this nature will simply not be tolerated,” said Kenneth Magidson, the U.S. attorney for the southern district of Texas. “Evidence of hate crimes will be vigorously investigated and prosecuted with the assistance of all our partners to the fullest extent of the law.”

Read more at Washington Times