PHOENIX — In response to several requests, ADEQ is allowing additional time to respond to the content of the Middle Gila River Selenium and Boron TMDLs. These draft TMDLs were released on April 23rd for public comment.
In recognizing that parts of the stakeholder population may not have had time to read, consider, or respond to the TMDLs, and in support of trying to engage the largest stakeholder population that we reasonably can, ADEQ is granting a one-week extension for the submission of written comments.
A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that load among the various sources of that pollutant.
Formal comments must be in writing (email attachments are fine) and should be addressed to or mailed to the attention of the project hydrologist Doug McCarty at ADEQ. The address is 1110 W. Washington St, Phoenix AZ 85007. Only written comments will be formally considered and responded to by the agency.
The deadline has been extended to 5:00 pm on May 29.