Recent food recalls by the FDA

salmonellaThree food companies issued recalls this month; the most recent nSpired Natural Foods. The food products were recalled because of salmonella risks.

Salmonella is an organism that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses.

The recall effects nSpired peanut and almond butters, McCormick oregano and Sunfood Carob powder.
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A most stunning admission

An unfortunate video taken on July 28 and posted to YouTube August 3, 2013 displays a stunning admission by a future-former Border Patrol agent. It is unfortunate because the poster did not bother to cover the face of the agent whose statement shows the frustration of many in that service who are being paid to not do their job.

Steve Stockman of Texas introduces bill to address border crisis

House Photo

House Photo

WASHINGTON D.C. – A bill was introduced by Texas House Republican Steve Stockman on July 31 to address the border crisis. It includes dealing with MS-13 gang members who brag to Border Patrol agents about the murders they committed in Central America.

According to the Stockman House web site, the bill would, “…would end the current border crisis by building a full double fence along the US/Mexican border, deploying additional law enforcement to the border, detaining gang members, punishing countries that refuse to accept repatriated illegals and banning welfare benefits for amnestied illegals.”

The text and information about the bill—which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and other committees—is not yet posted on the web site. H.R. 5316 is entitled The SECURITY Act (Safely Exacting Cautious Useful Rules for Immigration This Year).

The nine sections of the bill provide for several things including prohibiting criminal gang members from receiving asylum, National Guard deployment and fencing and punishing countries refusing to repatriate refugees. The President of Guatemala is attempting to extort $2 billion to stop the flow of illegal aliens.

The measures of the bill are:

Section 2. Metrics
• Establishes metrics to evaluate the security of the border by defining operational control.
• Penalizes the budget of the DHS Undersecretary for Management for failure to achieve operational control.

Section 3. Fencing
• Requires completion of double-layered fencing along the entire Southern border.
• Requires initial plan and periodic progress reports on status of construction.
• Penalizes the DHS Secretary’s budget for failure to submit plan and progress reports.

Section 4. Border Patrol
• Requires House and Senate Committees to be notified if there are closures of Border Patrol stations and the reasons for the closure and plans for redistribution of personnel.

Section 5. National Guard
• Deploys additional members of the National Guard to support Border Patrol.
• Provides federal assistance for state border control activities.

Section 6. Detention
• Allows detention of dangerous criminal aliens beyond 6 months.

Section 7. Gangs
• Prohibits foreign criminal gang members from receiving asylee or refugee status.

Section 8. Judges
• Requires the Attorney General to submit annual requests to Congress for immigration judges.

Section 9. Facilities
• Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to submit annual requests to Congress for detention facilities.

Section 10. Incentives
• Closes the additional child tax credit loophole.
• Prohibits an alien deemed to have lawful presence via executive order or policy directive from being defined as a qualified alien for purposes of public benefits.

Stockman complains that the border invasion of illegal aliens began as a result of Obama’s push for a DREAM act amnesty for illegal aliens. The problem is that the DREAM act is only supposed to apply to illegals already in America who grew up here and have no ties to foreign countries.

The gang members are a big problem.

“Gang members with face tattoos openly tell Border Patrol agents about the murders they committed in Central America. Immigration laws prevent agents from detaining these bragging killers,” said Stockman. “Under Obama’s amnesty scheme these killer gang members are set loose in the United States to later get amnesty. Obama doesn’t care. The SECURITY Act puts a stop to that by detaining gang members and stopping Obama’s plan to give them amnesty.”

“These illegals say they are coming because Obama promised them welfare benefits. The invasion stops once Congress passes this bill, which cuts off welfare benefits to these illegals even if Obama issues an Executive Order giving them amnesty,” said Stockman.

(Corrected 10:05 AM)

Dems cry ‘obstructionists’ while House passed over 350 bills that sit on Harry Reid’s desk

stuck-in-senateThe U.S. House of Representatives has passed 356 bills that are languishing in the Senate, U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn. said Friday.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has ignored the legislation, even though much of it passed the House with key support from Democrats The Blaze reported.

“We are calling on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to get off his self-constructed throne, roll up his sleeves and get back to work.” Blackburn said in a post she co-wrote Thursday with U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-N.C., for HerBlog. “Real lives, a real economy, and a true American recovery hang in the balance.”

Read more at BIZPAC Review

White House Senior Adviser Daniel Pfeiffer blasts Republicans over lawsuit

Daniel_PfeifferWhite House adviser Daniel Pfeiffer sent out an email blasting Republicans for filing a lawsuit over the illegal use of Executive Orders by the current administration.

Executive orders are not a Constitutional power granted to the President. They are not even mentioned in the Constitution. Executive orders were used first by President George Washington to instruct cabinet members on the manner in which they were to enforce laws passed by Congress. Neither he, nor his successors—until Woodrow Wilson—used executive orders to make laws.

The ability of executive order and bureaucracies to create law was ruled unconstitutional in the decision of Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. 1 (1824). In Paragraph 146 of the decision Chief Justice John Marshall wrote:

…for the power which is exclusively delegated to Congress, can only be exercised by Congress itself, and cannot be sub-delegated by it.

Pfeiffer’s email reads:

The House of Representatives just took a vote — and it wasn’t to raise the minimum wage, put in place equal pay, create jobs, or reform our broken immigration system.

Instead, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives just voted to sue the President for using his executive authority. This lawsuit will waste valuable time and potentially millions of
taxpayer dollars.

This is the least productive Congress in decades. And instead of doing their job, they are suing the
President for doing his.

The President is committed to making a difference for the millions of hardworking Americans trying to do right by their families and communities. While Republicans in Congress continue to waste taxpayer money, this President is going to keep doing his job.

If you’re doing your own job — and you support President Obama doing his — add your name.

President Obama remains ready and willing to work with Republicans in Congress if they decide to get serious and do something for the American people. But he is also committed to acting even as Congress won’t. You’ve seen that time and time again this year — from raising the federal minimum wage on new federal government contracts, to expanding apprenticeship opportunities and making student loan payments more affordable.

The President is not going to back away from his efforts to use his authority to solve problems and help American families. In fact, tomorrow, President Obama will announce his next executive action to crack down on federal contractors who put workers’ safety and hard-earned pay at risk. It’s just the next in a series of steps this Administration will be taking this year to make sure that American workers are getting a fair deal, and he has pledged to take executive action to deal with our broken immigration system in the months ahead.

That’s what this President is focused on. If you want to see it continue, and are sick and tired of stunts like the House Republicans’ lawsuit, then say so:

Row, Row, Row your boat, to get government benefits.

10532458_10203862247492549_215813082528643457_nThis photo appeared on the Facebook page of Gene McVay. It is reported to be a group of American seniors stopped by the Coast Guard off the coast of Texas on July 29.

The story goes:

The Coast Guard intercepted this boat off the Texas coast today.

The boat was not heading to the US, but towards Mexico and central America.

Another surprise finding was that the people were American senior citizens. Their claim was that they were trying to get to Guatemala or Southern Mexico so they could return to the US as illegal immigrants. Then they would be entitled to far more benefits than they had earned as legitimate American retirees after working for 40 years.

It is believed the Coast Guard gave them food and water and turned them loose?

If they come back with tattoos covering their bodies they could get a lollipop from Texas representative Sheila Jackson Lee.

DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama

presidential-float-flapjpeg-00d1a_s640x439The U.S. Department of Justice has sent a member of its Community Relations Service team to investigate a Nebraska parade float that criticized President Obama.

A Fourth of July parade float featured at the annual Independence Day parade in Norfolk sparked criticism when it depicted a zombie-like figure resembling Mr. Obama standing outside an outhouse, which was labeled the “Obama Presidential Library.”

The Nebraska Democratic Party called the float one of the “worst shows of racism and disrespect for the office of the presidency that Nebraska has ever seen.”

Read more at The Washington Times

Detroit activists illegally ask UN to step on US sovereignty

detroitDETROIT – The Financial Post reported last month that activists are asking the United Nations to enter their city and assist. Assist in staving off hordes of hungry rioters? Assist in stopping the invasion of illegal aliens?

No. Activists in Detroit are asking for the United Nations to come in a prevent their water from being shut off.

These are the same types of activists that convince the Lydon B. Johnson administration to dump billions of taxpayer dollars into the city to create a “model city.” It has become a model of what happens when the national government steals from the property of the American people to support other cities.

It also shows that these “activists” will stop at nothing to turn America into a third-world country.

If these people were properly educated, they would know that the United Nations has absolutely no Constitutional authority inside the United States.

The United Nations is exerting unauthorized authority by convincing “progressive” elected Democrats to sign on to their sustainable energy initiatives known popularly as Agenda 21. This is a prime example of the influence warned about by John Jay—the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court—in Federalist Papers No. 2-5 entitled, Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence.

Arizona never denied licenses to immigrants

Across the country headlines are reading that the Ninth Circuit court blocked Arizona from denying licenses to immigrants. This is, of course, a lie. The decision of ARIZONA DREAM ACT COALITION V. JANICE BREWER (PDF) blocks the executive order of Jan Brewer ordering the Arizona Department of Transportation not to issue drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

Brewer noted in a response to the Ninth Circuit court ruling that Arizona Revised Statute 28-3153, Subsection D forbids the Arizona Department of Transportation from issuing licenses to anyone who cannot prove they are here in accordance with federal law. Immigrants — who are those here legally applying for citizenship or by other authorized means such as a work visa — can get a license in Arizona. The law forbids issuing licenses to illegal aliens.

The Ninth Circuit Court stated in their decision:

The federal government has enacted a program called “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (“DACA”), which authorizes certain immigrants who came to the United States as children, without permission, to remain in the United States. In response, Arizona officials — Defendants here — implemented a policy that prevents DACA recipients from obtaining Arizona driver’s licenses.

The “federal government” — so-called by the Ninth Circuit court. They are referring to the national government in Washington D. C. — never enacted such a program. The Department of Homeland Security page on DACA states:

Over the past three years, this Administration has undertaken an unprecedented effort to transform the immigration enforcement system…

The DACA program was started by Executive Order to contravene United States Code. It is not based on law authorized by Congress. On July 2d, 33 Republican lawmakers sent a letter (PDF) to the Obama administration demanding that he stop this program and start deporting illegal aliens.

The reponse of Governor Brewer also read, in part:

In 2012, based on President Obama’s lawless directive, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) made an administrative policy choice to defer removal proceedings of illegal aliens who were brought to the United States as children, a program referred to as DACA. This policy choice is not federal law authorizing an illegal alien’s presence in the country – it simply is a choice by the executive branch not to enforce deportation proceedings as required under existing federal statute. DHS itself has expressly acknowledged that the DACA Program does not grant any substantive rights and that only Congress can do that.

The DACA Program, the decision to not enforce federal law, has directly led to the massive influx of illegal crossings and the crisis we are witnessing today. If the Ninth Circuit ruling is allowed to stand, the President, as he has already threatened, can contrive a new program refusing to deport the latest arrivals, issue employment authorization cards, and Arizona would have to issue licenses to them as well.

. . .

Lawless decrees by the President demonstrate animus to Congress, states and the Constitution. It is outrageous, though not entirely surprising, that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has once again dealt a blow to Arizona’s ability to enforce its laws. With today’s decision, a three judge appellate panel, appointed by Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama, disregarded judicial precedent and procedure. This continues us down a dangerous path in which the courts and the President – not Congress – make our nation’s laws.

Executive Orders were first issued by President George Washington to explain to cabinet members how to enforce the laws enacted by Congress; not how to circumvent enforcement.

The Constitution give Congress no authority to regulate the issuance of drivers licenses within a State which makes it a Tenth Amendment issue. A law or “order” that violates the Constitution of the United States of America can safely be ignored by States. The policing power of the sovereign States has been established since the Supreme Court decision of Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. 1 (1824).

The decision would mean that Arizona would have to issue licenses to terrorist group members who have come through the Mexican border illegally and are now waiting for “comprehensive immigration reform.” This is especially troubling since Arizona moved to “real ID” licenses which they claimed they would never do. This will give terrorists groups access to airports and flights.

School District Rejecting School Lunch Program Has Some Unappetizing Words For Michelle Obama

p012512ck-0195This past Tuesday, the Agriculture Department‘s school nutrition standards took effect for all schools that are in the National School Lunch Program.

In other words, any schools that receive federal reimbursement for lunches must adhere to updated standards, something that Michelle Obama has made one of her pet projects.

Not all school districts are on board. Rick Petfalksi, the President of the Muskego-Norway School District in Wisconsin, said:

We believe that proper food nutrition and meal portion guidelines are best decided at a local level.

By leaving the program we will not be required to follow these onerous guidelines, pushed by and large by Michelle Obama, who last I checked has been elected by no one.

Read more at IJReview