Gettysburg skull auction canceled, burial planned

gettysburgGETTYSBURG, Pa. (AP) — The planned auction of a skull found at Gettysburg that purportedly was that of a Civil War soldier has been canceled following protests, and officials say the remains have instead been donated by the auction company for burial with honors.

Estate Auction Co. of Hershey had listed the skull for sale at auction Tuesday in Hagerstown, Md., drawing protests from the U.S. National Park Service in Gettysburg and others.

The listing was removed from a public auction website and replaced by a statement saying the auction company was donating the skull to the Park Service. “At the auction company’s request, it remains as part of the catalog due to its historical value,” the statement said.

Read more at Daily Local News

EPA’s Next Wave Of Job-Killing CO2 Regulations

June 3, 2014 by David Rothbard and Craig Rucker

Gina McCarthy, an unelected bureaucrat, signs a bill into law.

Gina McCarthy, an unelected bureaucrat, signs a bill into law.

Supported by nothing but assumptions, faulty computer models and outright falsifications of what is actually happening on our planet, President Obama, his Environmental Protection Agency and their allies have issued more economy-crushing rules that they say will prevent dangerous manmade climate change.

Under the latest EPA regulatory onslaught (645 pages of new rules, released June 2), by 2030 states must slash carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired electricity generating plants by 30% below 2005 levels.

The new rules supposedly give states “flexibility” in deciding how to meet the mandates. However, many will have little choice but to impose costly cap-tax-and-trade regimes like the ones Congress has wisely and repeatedly refused to enact. Others will be forced to close perfectly good, highly reliable coal-fueled power plants that currently provide affordable electricity for millions of families, factories, hospitals, schools and businesses. The adverse impacts will be enormous.

The rules will further hobble a U.S. economy that actually shrank by 1% during the first quarter of 2014, following a pathetic 1.9% total annual growth in 2013. They are on top of $1.9 trillion per year (one-eighth of our total economy) that businesses and families already pay to comply with federal rules.

A U.S. Chamber of Commerce study calculates that the new regulations will cost our economy another $51 billion annually, result in 224,000 more lost jobs every year, and cost every American household $3,400 per year in higher prices for energy, food and other necessities. Poor, middle class and minority families – and those already dependent on unemployment and welfare – will be impacted worst. Those in a dozen states that depend on coal to generate 30-95% of their electricity will be hit especially hard.

Read more at CFact

The Results of a Seattle Suburb’s Minimum Wage Hike Deserve a Big Fat ‘We Told You So’

At the start of the year, the Seattle suburb of SeaTac raised the area’s minimum wage to $15, and the consequences are now starting to be felt. And it’s not just the unions who championed the effort, or those who still have jobs, that are feeling them.

Over the last few months, a few things have happened:

  • Managers have taken more responsibilities on themselves, instead of hiring more workers.
  • Businesses have laid off workers, or eliminated their plans to hire more.
  • Area parking now comes with an added “living-wage surcharge.”
  • Hotels have cut employee benefits, free food, and overtime.

Shocking: when bad ideas are put into place, there are consequences.

Read more at IJ Review

What’s Lost as Handwriting Fades


Does handwriting matter?

Not very much, according to many educators. The Common Core standards, which have been adopted in most states, call for teaching legible writing, but only in kindergarten and first grade. After that, the emphasis quickly shifts to proficiency on the keyboard.

But psychologists and neuroscientists say it is far too soon to declare handwriting a relic of the past. New evidence suggests that the links between handwriting and broader educational development run deep.

Children not only learn to read more quickly when they first learn to write by hand, but they also remain better able to generate ideas and retain information. In other words, it’s not just what we write that matters — but how.

Read more at The Washington Times

Study says cynicism linked to dementia. I’ll bet.

By Glen… uhm. Glen… Oh, it’ll come to me.

bloomberg2-550x343I was watching a Phoenix newscast which cited a ridiculous study says that cynicism may be linked to dementia. Right. And comedians tend to have psychotic personality traits.

The study was published by the online Neurology web site of the American Academy of Neurology. Of course you have to sign in to read the full article. Just exactly what are they trying to hide?

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. That’s right. Finland. Can you believe it?

Newsweek had to sound all scientific. They went into this historic rant leading up to Diogenes syndrome. They even cite the British Medical Journal. Well, la-te-da! They add this little gem to the conversation.

For example, the best-known Cynic of the Classical Greece era, one Diogenes of Sinope, slept in an empty wine barrel, masturbated in public and urinated on critics. (Diogenes syndrome now refers to “an older adult living in squalor,” according to the British Medical Journal.) And then there’s philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who at 44 had a nervous breakdown that eventually led to his dementia and death. While deeply influenced by the Cynics, much of Nietzsche’s writing is arguably closer to today’s concept of cynicism—distrust in social systems and, by extension, the people who partake in them.

walter biden

What is laughable is the most cynical people on the Internet, The Huffington Post, had this to say in their article:

If you always think the worst of people, you might be putting your own brain health at risk, according to a new study.

Really? The web site that thinks the worst of everything Republican without referring to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States?

And FOX News has to weigh in like they know something, but they just link to Medical Daily.

The online journal Shape suggests:

Questioning people’s true intentions is healthy when it comes to telemarketers or politicians, but keep that skepticism up with friends and family and your brain might pay the price:…

They quote some PH.D. who wrote a book Crazy: Notes on and off the Couch. This PH.D. claims:

Negative emotions are a form of stress that taxes the body.

By the way, did you read that article about Obama’s cynical foreign speech?

If you believe this tripe you no doubt believe that CNN is reality TV or the dog-faced boy in the tabloids is real.

That reminds me of a cute story. When my dog was a puppy he was laying with me in bed. I kid you not, it was the first time he broke wind. He stood up and looked at me as if to say Oh, man. I’m sorry. Then he walked to the end of the bed and laid back down. I kid you not. I must have laughed for five-minutes.

But I digress. Or maybe I digress.

What were we talking about?

Disclaimer: The author has had personal and painful experience with a dementia patient. This article is not meant as an insult to those patients and he applauds any effort to find a cure for this or any disease. The links included are to serious articles on the subject for those who might be interested.

Chipotle Mexican Grill bans firearms

chipotleDALLAS – Chipotle Mexican Grill is the latest large chain to prohibit firearms into their restaurants after the Dallas chapter of Open Carry Texas stopped to eat after a demonstration. The carrying of firearms into the store was not a part of the demonstration according to an article on the Forbe’s web site.

Facebook image showing men carrying arms not in compliance with Open Carry Texas (Forbe's Photo)

Facebook image showing men carrying arms not in compliance with Open Carry Texas (Forbe’s Photo)

A Facebook (Facebook page has apparently been banned by Facebook) photo, according to the Forbe’s article, shows two-men unrelated to the Open Carry Texas event carrying “…SKS rifles, semi-automatic weapons of the kind once used by both the Soviet Army and the Viet Cong.”

A previous incident apparently occurred at a Jack-in-the-Box in Forth Worth. Open Carry Texas member Edwin Harros stated in an interview that their members are required to carry their semi-automatic rifles on their backs. Jack-in-the-Box, to date, has not issued a statement banning firearms in their establishments.

An anti-gun activist group called “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” began a Twitter campaign on Monday against customers bringing guns into Chipotle. The gun control group is backed by billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

The company responded with a statement that read in part,

“The issue of gun ownership or gun rights has become one of the most contentious debates in the country. Chipotle has never taken a position on this issue, as we focus instead on our mission to change the way people think about and eat fast food.

“Recently participants from an “open carry” demonstration in Texas brought guns (including military-style assault rifles) into one of our restaurants, causing many of our customers anxiety and discomfort. Because of this, we are respectfully asking that customers not bring guns into our restaurants, unless they are authorized law enforcement personnel.”

Arizona Revised Statute 4-229 requires any establishment not allowing firearms to post a sign in a conspicuous location containing a pictogram of a firearm with a red circle and diagonal red line across the firearm with the words, “no firearms allow pursuant to A.R.S. section 4-229.” A person is allowed to enter a posted establishment in order to seek emergency aid or to determine if the sign is posted pursuant to this law. Any private property owner is allowed to prohibit firearms on their property.

Starbucks also asked people not to bring firearms into their establishment or outdoor seating areas in 2013 which represents a ban on firearms, but did not specifically call it that.

Arizona-based Sprout’s Market is also backing their ban on firearms fifty-percent. They have banned firearms, but apparently do not feel comfortable with conforming to Arizona Revised Statute by posting the required signs.

Discretion being the better part of valor, if a person with a firearm enters an establishment without the required signage and is asked to leave, it is best not to get into an argument. Simply remind them that they are not in compliance with A.R.S. 4-229 and leave the store. Report the violation to the appropriate authority.

Arizona does have so-called Constitutional concealed carry, which means any legal US citizen of Arizona may carry concealed, but only persons with a concealed carry permit may enter an establishment that serves alcohol and no one may drink while carrying a firearm.

According to the article, the anti-gun group stated they

“…support the Second Amendment… In states where no background checks or training are required to buy semi-automatic rifles and carry them openly in public, businesses have a duty to protect their employees and patrons.”

Federal law requires a background check for any person purchasing a firearm in any gun store in the nation.

Arizona Revised Statue 15-714.01 allows schools to conduct firearms safety courses. The courses may provide instruction which includes the rules of firearm safety, basic operation of firearms, history of firearms, marksmanship, the role of firearms in preserving peace and freedom and the constitutional roots of the right to keep and bear arms…

Bradley Manning may be moved to civilian prison

bradley-manningWhile the Veterans are still reeling from the news of waiting lists that may have been responsible for the deaths of many of their fellow Veterans, the big concern at the Department of Defense is what to do with so-called transgender personnel.

The problem is highlighted by news of what to do with Bradley Manning. Bradley Manning is the PFC that released classified documents to WikiLeaks including a video which shows an air attack on reporters.

Manning was sentenced to 35-years in prison for charges stemming from the release, but the case still has appeals. He has since changed his name to Chelsea and demands hormone treatments.

This has caused a dilemma for the Army. The problem was described in a recent AP article cited by NPR.

“The request was the first ever made by a transgender military inmate and set up a dilemma for the Defense Department: How to treat a soldier for a diagnosed disorder without violating long-standing military policy. Transgender people are not allowed to serve in the U.S. military and the Defense Department does not provide such treatment, but Manning can’t be discharged from the service while serving her 35-year prison sentence.”

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel gave the Army permission to work a transfer of Manning from a military prison to the civilian prison system which offers hormone treatments at taxpayer expense.

According to Stars and Stripes, Manning’s Lawyer David Coombs fears that such a transfer could pose a threat to the safety of Manning. His desire is to keep him within the military prison system. The article reports:

Coombs said “any military facility would be acceptable.” In a statement, he said “it is common knowledge that the federal prison system cannot guarantee the safety and security of Chelsea in the way that the military prison system can.”

Another problem is that the national security issues related to the charges against Manning would normally prevent such a transfer.

While VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki is trying to find stronger words to express his anger over the treatment provided by VA hospitals, Secretary of Defense Hagel is calling for a review of the transgender ban in the military.

This would entail hiring of doctors within the military and VA medical systems with expertise in providing transgender medical treatment which does not currently exist.

High school text book really does re-write Constitution

04160E9CCD6B405ABE832FB368757512BreitBart reports that one high school text book publisher literally does re-write the Constitution. It overturns a Supreme Court Decision, as well.

Page 102 of United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination (PDF) gives brief descriptions of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. Their version of the Second Amendment states:

The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.

The official Second Amendment reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In 2008, the Supreme Court decided in District of Columbia v. Heller (PDF) that the right to bear arms is independent of being a member of a militia. In 2010, the case of McDonald v. Chicago (PDF), the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment restrictions on government applied to State as well as national government.

The book is authored by John J. Newman and was published in 2003 by Amsco School Publications Incorporated.
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Houston SPCA awarded for murdering pit bulls

8f5ee725c7022bc49e95756d6a0dd256How many dead pit bulls does it take to win an award? The Better Business Bureau Awards for Excellence luncheon was held Wednesday to recognize quality in the workplace. Businesses and nonprofits were touted by the BBB for ‘service excellence.’

“The BBB Awards for Excellence recognizes businesses and nonprofits for their achievements and commitment to overall excellence and quality in the workplace. Proceeds from the event help fund the BBB Education Foundation, which educates consumers about scams and fraudulent business practices in the Greater Houston area.”

According to Houston SPCA’s own website, “When asked what it means to the Houston SPCA to receive this recognition, Patricia Mercer, President, said: “We work hard to provide top notch service to our customers and clients, and it is truly an honor to be recognized for our efforts.”

Read more at The Examiner