Democrats release attack against veteran of Iraq running for Congress


Photo – Home of Heroes web site.

NEW YORK – Democrats—who have probably never served in the military—fired off an attack at Major Lee Zeldin who is seeking a seat in the House of Representatives in the State of New York. The attack seems to highlight the fact that he could actually unseat six-term Democrat Congressman Tim Bishop.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued a press release on May 14 complaining That Zeldin will not answer questions over how he would vote on the Paul Ryan budget or the extension of unemployment benefits.

Over a month after his House Republicans passed Paul Ryan’s reckless budget, Congressional Candidate Lee Zeldin is still too scared to admit how he would vote for the plan, even though he wants Long Islanders to send him to Congress. Even though every member of Congress had no choice but to vote yes or no weeks ago, what’s taking him so long to decide? There’s only one answer: Zeldin is either woefully uninformed, willfully ignorant or a coward.

The press release went on to state:

To help Zeldin find the courage to take a position on the Ryan Budget and other critical issues impacting Long Island, the DCCC is sending him the same Badge of Courage the Wizard of Oz gave to the Cowardly Lion.

Zeldin responded to the attack on FOX News stating, “You have some liberal Democrat hack who’s hiding behind his Twitter account, stuffing his face with Cheez Doodles, sending out press releases on D triple-C letterhead—shameful attacks—and the fact is Nancy Pelosi, Steve Israel, Tim Bishop, they’ve never served a day.

“And I think when I was sitting at the door on that Blackhawk and the Jump Master hits the back of your head and you do what’s so unnatural, jumping out with your parachute; here you are fast-forward to today, and you have, you know, these Democratic hacks out of Washington who want to change the subject and fling insults saying I’m a coward. It just doesn’t fit.”

According to a New York Times opinion by retired Lieutenant General Karl W. Eikenberry, since obligatory service has not been used since Vietnam, the percentage of the American population serving in the military has dropped to less than 0.5% since WWII.

Less than 0.5 percent of the population serves in the armed forces, compared with more than 12 percent during World War II. Even fewer of the privileged and powerful shoulder arms. In 1975, 70 percent of members of Congress had some military service; today, just 20 percent do, and only a handful of their children are in uniform.

Democrats have, in the past, complained that the military is the only job opportunity for the poor segment of society putting the burden of protecting the country on them. Their main focus to change that is to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour.

In testimony before the Senate, Congressional Budget Officer Douglas W. Elmendorf stated:

Increasing the minimum wage would have two principal effects on low-wage workers. Most of them would receive higher pay that would increase their family’s income, and some of those families would see their income rise above the federal poverty threshold. But some jobs for low-wage workers would probably be eliminated, the income of most workers who became jobless would fall substantially, and the share of low-wage workers who were employed would probably fall slightly.

It is unclear how many workers would be raised into a higher tax-bracket eliminating any benefit from an increase in the minimum wage.

Lee Zeldin is a New York State Senator who was a member of the 82nd Airborne paratroopers. He also served for a time with the Military Intelligence Corps at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Zeldin seeks the Congressional seat for the district in New York covering Long Island which could unseat six-term Congressman Tim Bishop.

Tucson Ranger who helped rescue Jessica Lynch dies from wounds received in Afghanistan

Title corrected: Sergeant Major Barreras passed away in Texas after wounds received while serving in Afghanistan.

barrasAn Army Ranger from Tucson has died after being shot in Afghanistan, the Defense Department announced. He was among those who rescued former POW Jessica Lynch from an Iraqi hospital in 2003. The Pentagon said in a statement that Command Sgt. Maj. Martin R. Barreras, 49, died May 13 in Texas after suffering injuries in Afghanistan on May 6.

Governor Jan Brewer ordered all flags to be flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset today. In her statement, she said,

I Ask That All Arizonans Hold In Their Thoughts And Prayers the family of U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Martin Barreras, a Tucson soldier who passed away Tuesday, May 13, from injuries sustained while serving in Afghanistan. Command Sgt. Maj. Barreras, 49, dedicated more than three decades to military service, including five years as a U.S. Marine before enlisting in the Army. … As we mourn this American hero, let us always honor all of our nation’s men and women in uniform with our eternal gratitude and admiration.

The Army Ranger helped rescue former POW Jessica Lynch from an Iraqi hospital in 2003 has died after being shot in Afghanistan, the Defense Department announced Thursday. The Pentagon said in a statement that Command Sgt. Maj. Martin R. Barreras, 49, died May 13 in Texas after suffering injuries in Afghanistan on May 6. Barreras, known as “Gunny,” was the top enlisted soldier for a unit based in Fort Bliss, Texas at the time of his death, according to the Army Times. He joined the Army in 1988 after serving five years in the Marine Corps.

Barreras, known as “Gunny,” was the top enlisted soldier for a unit based in Fort Bliss, Texas at the time of his death, according to the Army Times. He joined the Army in 1988 after serving five years in the Marine Corps.

Read more at FOX News

Updated 10:00

17-Yr-Old Girl Who Wants to Actually Represent the People Just Unseated a Politician in W. Virginia

Saira Blair may become the youngest legislator in West Virginia history.

Saira Blair may become the youngest legislator in West Virginia history.

Saira Blair, who just unseated an incumbent West Virginia state legislator, isn’t thinking about her plans for the summer. She’s thinking about how to defeat Democrat Layne Diehl come November. Because if Saira wins, it will make her the youngest legislator in West Virginia’s history- she’s just 17 years old.

Blair narrowly edged-out the incumbent, Republican state Delegate Larry Klump, by 144 votes. She campaigned on a straightforward platform:

  • Pro-life
  • Pro-gun
  • Pro-family
  • Pro-business
  • Pro-jobs

Blair even gave out her cell phone number to any potential constituents who might want to ask her questions. In addition, Blair has pledged to run only a positive campaign.

Read more at IJ Review

Obama Urges “Wrongheaded” Americans to Trust Government More

The true theory of our Constitution is surely the wisest and best, that the states are independent as to everything within themselves, and united as to everything respecting foreign nations. Let the general government be reduced to foreign concerns only, and let our affairs be disentangled from those of all other nations, except as to commerce, which the merchants will manage the better the more they are left free to manage for themselves, and our general government may be reduced to a very simple organization, and a very unexpensive one–a few plain duties to be performed by a few servants.—Thomas Jefferson

120905_barack_obama_ap_605Paul Joseph Watson,, May 9, 2014

During a speech at a fundraiser for congressional Democrats in La Jolla, California yesterday, President Barack Obama urged “wrongheaded” Americans to place more trust in the government.

Obama stated that a perception on behalf of middle class families that people in Washington did not care about them has reinforced “apathy or a lack of confidence in our government,” before he went on to blame Republicans for making Americans think, “they’re on their own and government doesn’t have an appropriate role to play.”

Obama said the Democrats’ goal in the midterms was to “break that grip” and reverse the “wrongheaded vision” that big government is not the answer.


Student: Prof Warns Ted Cruz-Teabaggers To Leave Class Or Go Home In Body Bag

AliceGilbert-500x290by Austin Yack – UC Santa Barbara on May 5, 2014

SANTA BARBARA – Alice Gilbert can vividly recall her first day of class last fall in a black studies course called “The Obama Phenomenon” offered by Professor Otis Madison at UC Santa Barbara.

That’s because before his introductory lecture was over, the scholar “warned Ted Cruz-supporting ‘teabaggers’ to get the hell out of his classroom before he sent them home to their mother in a body bag,” Gilbert said in an email interview with The College Fix.

“The comment is from memory, however there were other students with me in the class who can attest to them,” Gilbert said. “When Professor Madison made his comments in the very first lecture, I was taken aback and offended.”

Gilbert said as a conservative student, she enrolled in the course to broaden her horizons and learn about the president from a perspective other than what she is normally exposed to, but dropped it after Madison’s remarks.

She never complained to administrators.

Read more at The College Fix

American Legion Commander Dellinger calls for VA Secretary to resign

American Legion National Commander Daniel Dellinger calls for resignation of VA officials.

American Legion National Commander Daniel Dellinger calls for resignation of VA officials.

In front of local media and a live Internet audience, American Legion National Commander Daniel M. Dellinger today called for the resignations of Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki, Under Secretary of Health Robert Petzel and Under Secretary of Benefits Allison Hickey.

Dellinger cited poor oversight and failed leadership as the reason for calling for the resignations – something The American Legion hasn’t done regarding a public official in more than 30 years.

“Gen. Eric Shinseki has served his country well,” Dellinger said. “His patriotism and sacrifice for this nation are above reproach. However, his record as the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs tells a different story. The existing leadership has exhibited a pattern of bureaucratic incompetence and failed leadership that has been amplified in recent weeks.”

Dellinger pointed to allegations from multiple whistleblowers of a secret waiting list at the Phoenix VA Health Care System that may have resulted in the death of approximately 40 veterans, that VA previously had acknowledged that 23 veterans throughout the health-care system have died as a result of delayed care in recent years, and a the findings of an investigation by VA’s Office of Medical Inspector that clerks at the VA clinic in Fort Collins, Colo., were instructed last year how to falsify appointment records so it appeared the small staff of doctors was seeing patients within the agency’s goal of 14 days, according to the investigation.

Read more at The American Legion

Sony Supersizes Data Storage With 185-Terabyte Cassette Tape

Got Backup?

The iPod let you put your entire music collection in your pocket. Now Sony has something that could let you put the world’s music collection in your pocket: a cassette tape that holds 185 terabytes of data.

To put that in perspective, the tape can hold about 60 million songs — far more than anyone could listen to in their lifetime (that would be about 17 million, assuming continuous listening for 100 years, even while sleeping, and 3 minutes per song). All of the printed works of the Library of Congress add up to only about 10 terabytes.

Read more at Mashable

A funny thing happened on the way to Home Depot in Fort Worth

See story and video at Channel 5.

See story and video at Channel 5.

FORT WORTH, TEXAS – Members of a group in Texas to promote an open carry law in Texas got a little more attention than they bargained for according to a report by NBC 5 in Fort Worth.

open-carry-texas-01The demonstrators of Open Carry Texas—a group promoting an open carry law—were on the way to Home Depot and stopped off at a Jack-in-the-Box to order food. Edwin Harros said that they had a polite exchange as they ordered food.

After they left the restaurant, the employees were apparently frightened enough to call police and lock themselves in a cooler even though no aggressive action whatsoever was indicated. Police, of course, responded in force to confront the five demonstrators.

The police stated that they have no problems with protests or open-carry, but the demonstrators were not carrying an signs or indications of a demonstration and they were not notified that Open Carry Texas planned a demonstration. The group said they would seek advise of police in the future.

Home Depot spokespersons stated that they have no problems with guns or demonstrations either so long as the guns are carried in compliance with the law.

Texas is one of the few states that does not permit open carry of firearms.

Secret Vietnam War Memorial in Colorado

colorado-memorial-2COLORADO – While Williams waits for the riders of Run for the Wall, a video of an unusual Vietnam memorial in Colorado is making the rounds of the Blogosphere.

The video of the Vietnam memorial is located in deep woods off of Highway 50 near Gunnison, Colorado along the Continental Divide. Gemini Journey, a blogger, wrote about it and posted a video on YouTube.

There is no information on who built the secret Vietnam memorial.

High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting

MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press

council-prayerWASHINGTON (AP) — A narrowly divided Supreme Court upheld decidedly Christian prayers at the start of local council meetings on Monday, declaring them in line with long national traditions though the country has grown more religiously diverse.

The content of the prayers is not significant as long as they do not denigrate non-Christians or try to win converts, the court said in a 5-4 decision backed by its conservative majority.

Though the decision split the court along ideological lines, the Obama administration backed the winning side, the town of Greece, N.Y., outside of Rochester.

The outcome relied heavily on a 1983 decision in which the court upheld an opening prayer in the Nebraska Legislature and said prayer is part of the nation’s fabric, not a violation of the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of religion.

Read more at WTOP 103.5 FM, Washington