Gosnell movie gets amazing funding via Indeggo.

UPDATED: 4/30/14, 9:28

640px-GOSNELL_FB_Cover_plainDonald Sterling is now a household name. He is the Clippers owner who allegedly made distasteful racist remarks and is well-known for his donations to Democratic candidates and causes. His remarks, released by TMZ, have received massive media coverage. He was recently barred, apparently, from the NBA.

Kermit Gosnell is probably not a name known except to a select few. He was an abortion doctor in Philadelphia who delivered live babies and killed them by severing their spinal cord with scissors. He called the process “snipping.” He is not the only one at his clinic that conducted this process. It is alleged that sometimes his nursing staff and even administrative staff would conduct the snipping. It is unknown how many babies he snipped because he destroyed many of the records. He was only accused and convicted of a few of the murders and is now serving several life sentences.

The story of the Gosnell trial is not the trial itself, but the lack of coverage of the trial. CNN has become known as the missing plane network and all media outlets have donated various amounts of time to the Donald Sterling story. The benches reserved for the media at the Gosnell trial, however, were virtually empty. PBS and Associated Press did cover the trial and did a good report on the trial.


Empty seats reserved for the media at the Gosnell trial in Philadelphia.

Spike Lee is also a household name. He is a movie producer who has produced some pretty good movies—including Malcom X—and made millions. His campaign on KICKSTARTER is making headlines for raising over $1.4M of $1.25M requested for his new movie which is apparently a thriller about vampires. There are no details about the movie on the site because it is a thriller. This so-called “crowdfunding” campaign has been covered by the various mainstream media agencies.

Phelim Mcaleer is not a household name either. He is a documentary producer who has three titles to date. His conservative documentaries are the ire of the “progressive” movement. Especially Not Evil Just Wrong which is an anti-global warming movie. It screened across the nation, but did not receive the press of other award winning documentary makers who support the progressive agenda.

The media also did not cover the amazing crowdfunding for Mcaleer’s latest effort through Indegogo. The movie Gosnell and is the story of the abortion doctor aforementioned. The campaign started on March 28 and has raised over $1.5M of the $2.1M sought. The movie is breaking records for funding through the web site.

The movie is being made for television so it is questionable what networks would run a film contrary to the present agenda.
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Hacker hijacks baby monitor

By Amy Wagner

25310628_BG1Heather Schreck was asleep around midnight in her Hebron home when a voice startled her.

“All of a sudden, I heard what sounded like a man’s voice but I was asleep so I wasn’t sure,” Heather said.

Disoriented and confused, Heather picked up her cell phone to check the camera in her 10-month-old daughter Emma’s room. The camera was moving, but she wasn’t moving it.

“About the time I saw it moving, I also heard a voice again start screaming at my daughter. He was screaming, ‘Wake up baby. Wake up baby.’ Then just screaming at her trying to wake her up.”

That’s when Heather’s husband, Adam, ran into Emma’s room. Adam said the camera then turned from his petrified daughter to point directly at him.

“Then it screamed at me,” Adam said. “Some bad things, some obscenities. So I unplugged the camera.”

But the Schrecks were only beginning to plug into the truth of what had just happened.

“Someone had hacked in from outside,” Heather said.

So how many other times had someone hacked into their camera and watched their baby through their Foscam IP Camera.

“You do kind of feel violated in a way,” Adam said.

Read more at Fox 19

Scam Emails About Phony Court Cases Carry Computer Virus

In January, the federal judiciary learned of an email scam, in which emails purporting to come from federal and state courts are infecting recipients with computer viruses.

According to the Security Operations Center of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the emails are instructing recipients to report to a hearing on a specified day and time. The emails also instruct recipients to review an attached document for detailed case information. When the attachments or links in the email are opened, a malicious program is launched that infects the recipient’s computer. Several state courts have reported similar schemes, and also are warning the public about potential viruses.

Unless you are actively involved in a case in federal court and have consented to receive court notifications electronically, you generally will not be served with court documents electronically.

If you receive an email and are not involved in a court case or have not given your email to a court, do not open it. Contact the court in question. If your virus scanner checks emails, ensure that it is set up properly to detect viruses in emails.

Veteran hospital in Phoenix highlighted as an example of leaving veterans to die.

Photo Phoenix Business Journal

Photo Phoenix Business Journal

PHOENIX – According to a CNN report, the Carl T. Hayden VA Hospital in Phoenix had two waiting lists which left as many as 40 veterans waiting for care dead. A doctor alleges that the records that a waiting list even existed were shredded. The accusations by CNN reporting have recently prompted a Senate hearing on the matter.

The Phoenix VA Health Care web site states:

“Honoring America’s Veterans with quality health care services, part of the largest integrated health care system in the U.S.”

dr-foote-right-01CNN interviewed Dr. Sam Foote who retired from the VA Center in Phoenix after 24 years. Dr. Foote alleges that the VA kept two list of appointments. One he called a sham list that showed veterans were being seen in 14-days while the other secretive list were those veterans awaiting appointments.

CNN reported that records that would indicate that such a list existed were shredded in an apparent cover-up.

“The scheme was deliberately put in place to avoid the VA’s own internal rules,” said Foote in Phoenix. “They developed the secret waiting list,” said Foote, a respected local physician.

The CNN report covers the plight of U.S. Navy veteran Thomas Breen who died waiting for simple tests that could have saved his life.

Republican Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake and Democratic Representatives Raul Grijalva and Kyrsten Sinema have called for hearings. Senator McCain sent a letter to VA Secretary Eric Shinseki asking about the alleged waiting lists and if at least 40 veterans died as a result of the waiting lists, among other things.

According to CBS 5 in Phoenix, Sinema said:

“I am deeply disturbed by the allegations that delays in care and false record-keeping at the Phoenix VA Medical Center may have caused the deaths of Arizona veterans. We need a thorough investigation that holds those responsible for veteran deaths accountable.”

The report from Phoenix led KSDK in St. Louis to do a report on Albert Boyd—one of their local decorated Vietnam veterans.

When Boyd learned of the CNN report that the Phoenix VA had a secret set of records that hid its backlog of disability claims, he said it reminded him of his own struggles with the VA. Two years ago he hired a lawyer to fight his benefits battle with the Department of Veterans Affairs. He doesn’t expect a quick resolution.

“Delay, deny, until you die. That’s what the veterans are saying now,” said Boyd.

Delays in the VA Health Care system are, unfortunately, nothing new. The delay until you die concept was developed around illnesses Vietnam veterans complained about concerning the use of Agent Orange.

Agent Orange was a defoliant manufactured for the U.S. Department of Defense primarily by Monsanto Corporation and Dow Chemical. The chemical was sprayed without restrictions between 1961 to 1971.

One Williams veteran told me that they would have to cover up in their jackets with their hoods in an effort to keep the chemical off of their bodies.

Like the Agent Orange issue, returning veterans began reporting symptoms of what has come to be known as Gulf War syndrome. The VA at first denied the existence of any disease only looking into the issue a few years later after media publicity led to documentaries and a 1998 television dramatization, Thanks of a Grateful Nation.

Screenshot of Phoenix VA web site.

Screenshot of Phoenix VA web site.

Greatest play in baseball history.

“And from time-to-time people ask, Well, are you upset because you spent nineteen seasons in the major leagues and your known for primarily stopping two people from burning the flag? If that’s all your known for, it’s not a bad thing at all.”

There are a myriad memorable plays in baseball history. This play by center fielder and Arizona State University alumnus Rick Monday on April 25th, 1976 in the 4th inning at Dodger Stadium was voted one of the best 100 plays of all times.

It did not set up a triple-play. It did not stop the winning run. What it did do is something more important to most people serving, or who have served, this country in the armed forces of the United States.

Source: Madison Rising

‘Carloads’ of terrorists turned Oregon ranch into training camp

According to al-Masri’s lawyer last week, the camp was similar to being in the “Cub Scouts,’’ with the men riding horses, tending to little lambs and telling campfire stories.

Abu Hamza al-Masri sits next to defense attorney Lindsay Lewis in Manhattan federal court in New YorkAn Oregon woman says she thought she was opening up her family’s ranch to local Muslims to teach them how to grow and can veggies — and that her husband was even expecting a tax write-off.

But US-born Muslim convert Eva Hatley testified in Manhattan federal court Tuesday that after the “carloads’’ of fellow Muslims she met through her mosque arrived at the 160-acre ranch in Bly in 1999, the couple watched helplessly as their home was turned into an al Qaeda training camp.

“It wasn’t anything like I envisioned for the property,” insisted Hatley, testifying at the trial of one-eyed, hook-handed hate preacher Abu Hamza al-Masri.

Hatley, a two-time witness-protection-program flunky who prefers going by her Muslim name, Ayat Hakimah, said other Muslims from London would soon arrive on al-Masri’s orders.

Read more at the New York Post

‘Squatters’ took over soldier’s home after he was deployed; outrageous law lets them stay!

Photo Source – Facebook

Photo Source – Facebook

A soldier being deployed to Afghanistan is sure to have a lot on his mind, but having squatters take over his home while he is away is probably not high on the list.

But that appears to be precisely what happened to one soldier in Florida.

Michael Sharkey was deployed to Afghanistan two years ago and asked a friend to keep an eye on his home in New Port Richey, Fla. while he was away, according to the local NBC affiliate WFLA.

The soldier, currently station in Hawaii, later learned that strangers moved into the house and now refuse to leave.

“I want the people out,” Sharkey said. “They’re criminals living in my house.”

Read more at BIZPAC Review

Cliven Bundy on ‘the Negro’: Why his words aren’t a huge surprise

Unedited Version

0424-Rancher-clive-bundy_full_380The Nevada rancher who took on the BLM now posits that ‘the Negro’ may be better off as slaves. The link between racially offensive views and a certain strain of far-right politics seen at the Cliven Bundy ranch is well established, analysts say.

The “Battle of Bunkerville” – the ongoing grazing standoff between old-school Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the federal Bureau of Land Management – was, of course, never just about cattle grazing. But it has now taken a turn that, at first glance, seems bizarrely unrelated: “the Negro.”

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” Mr. Bundy, who with help from armed supporters won a standoff with the BLM last week over cattle grazing rights, told admirers and a New York Times reporter at a press conference Wednesday. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Conservatives who had framed Bundy’s fight with the BLM as an act of patriotism are now backing off their support in light of his comments, which Sen. Dean Heller (R) of Nevada, who had previously lauded Bundy, called “appalling and racist.”

Yet the connection between racially offensive views and a certain strain of tea party politics at the Bundy ranch is not all that surprising, some political analysts argue. Race and segregation have, after all, long been defended in the context of the 10th Amendment’s state sovereignty guarantees.

Read more at Christian Science Monitor

ACLJ: Decision to Hold Former IRS Official Lois Lerner in Contempt of Congress “Justified”

Lois LernerWASHINGTON D.C. – The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which represents 41 organizations in a federal lawsuit challenging the IRS, said today’s decision by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress is “justified” for failing to cooperate with Congressional investigators to provide information regarding her role in the unlawful targeting of conservative and tea party groups.

“The decision to hold Lois Lerner in contempt comes 11 months to the day since she revealed this unlawful scheme with a question she planted at an ABA meeting,” said Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ. “From the very beginning, she has ignored a Congressional subpoena – refused to answer questions on two occasions by pleading the Fifth Amendment. We believe – as many others do – that she waived her constitutional right to remain silent because she invoked it after she publicly proclaimed her innocence. Lerner has misled the American people and Congress from the very start. Contempt is justified and the appropriate sanction in this case.”

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform today voted to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress. The measure now goes before the full House for consideration.

Today’s action comes just one day after the House Committee on Ways and Means voted to send a letter to the Attorney General saying Lerner should be prosecuted for her actions in the unlawful targeting scheme.

The contempt vote comes as the ACLJ has heard from more than 70,000 people in just several days calling on Congress to hold Lerner in contempt.

The ACLJ federal lawsuit, which also names Lois Lerner as a defendant, is progressing. The ACLJ represents 41 organizations in 22 states. Of the 41 groups, 24 organizations received tax-exempt status after lengthy delays, 11 are still pending, 5 withdrew applications because of frustration with the IRS process, and 1 had their file closed by the IRS after refusing to answer the unconstitutional requests for more information.

See Also: New Emails Show Lois Lerner Was in Contact With DOJ About Prosecuting Tax Exempt Groups

From Bunker Hill to Bunkerville – Americans Fight Back!

Opinion by Lyle Rapacki

Bundy-RanchFreedom-Movement-550x353 copy

When the call arrived that Bureau Land Management (BLM) agents intended to begin a “Dynamic Raid” on the Bundy Ranch in Clark County, Nevada, I responded because of several responsibilities: I am an Oath Keeper, as well as a member of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and the presidents of both organizations asked for assistance. I also was responding to the call, as I coordinated the movement of several Arizona Legislators who, on their own and with their personal funds, made their way to the Bundy Ranch at Bunkerville. There were many citizens from across the western United States who also answered the call, and there were citizens and Oath Keepers and former military who came from the East Coast! U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar from Arizona also arrived. Besides Arizona Legislators, legislators from four other western states also heeded the call to Bunkerville, Nevada. Two County Supervisors/Commissioners from Arizona went, as did a couple more from other states; a couple of former state legislators from western states, a land commissioner, along with state coordinators of several patriot and Tea Party groups, at least a half dozen pastors including Chuck Baldwin, a dozen or more long-time (100-years+) ranchers, and a goodly number of teenagers from various states…we all met in a dry, windy, dusty, and hot place named Bunkerville, Nevada.

What drove us all there…what possessed thousands of people from across the country to forge their way to this remote part of the west? The reason as I see it is rather simple and eloquent; FREEDOM RISING! The Freedom Movement for this generation began in earnest a week ago at the Bundy Ranch. The Freedom Movement answered the call to stand firm against tyranny by a centralized federal government our Forefathers feared could raise its’ diabolical head if not kept in check, and it has not been kept in check by WE THE PEOPLE, who, are the true government of this exceptional Nation! Somehow, someway, WE THE PEOPLE became lazy and content being able to go to Starbucks and McDonald’s at will, and leave the governing to, well, government! The results are obvious to all who stood post at Bunkerville. The Federal Government of the United States has become mean spirited, vindictive, corrupt beyond belief, vile in its’ hatred of free speech and citizens challenging its’ authority. The Federal Government of the United States has worked diligently to become all-powerful, all-knowing, all-dictatorial, and all-militarized against its’ own citizens who dare to question the decisions and behaviors by its’ agents and representatives. The Federal Government of our country has chosen a hidden agenda to be implemented that goes directly against the values and principles by which our country was founded, and directly against the good for the people.

Read more at The Olive Branch Report