Tom Laughlin dies at 82; filmmaker drew huge following for ‘Billy Jack’

tom-laughlinTom Laughlin, a filmmaker who drew a huge following for his movies about the ill-tempered, karate-chopping pacifist Billy Jack, died Thursday at a Thousand Oaks hospital. He was 82.

He had been in failing health for several years, his daughter Teresa Laughlin said.

Laughlin starred in and co-produced the four films of the 1960s and ’70s showcasing Billy Jack, a troubled Vietnam veteran who quietly promotes a message of peace when he’s not throwing bad guys through plate-glass windows.

An iconoclast who battled Hollywood studios, Laughlin fought on other fronts as well.

Laughlin founded a Montessori school in Santa Monica after he deemed the public schools unworthy of educating his children. When he decided the political system was hopelessly corrupt, he mounted three quixotic presidential campaigns. After becoming disillusioned with Catholicism, he immersed himself in Jungian psychology, writing books and counseling friends.

“He was an extraordinary Catholic for about five minutes,” Teresa Laughlin told The Times, “but once he found Jungian psychology, it supplanted everything else.”

Read more at Los Angeles Times

Peter O’Toole dies at 81; nominated eight times for best-actor Oscar

(FOX News Video)

By Dennis McLellan – December 16, 2013

He was tall, lean and handsome, with vivid blue eyes and a distinctive voice that film critic David Thomson once likened to “a rapier that has been used to stir the cream.”

Peter O’Toole, who donned flowing white robes and rode a camel to movie stardom in David Lean’s epic 1962 film “Lawrence of Arabia,” received the first of his eight Academy Award nominations for best actor for playing T.E. Lawrence, the enigmatic British Army officer who fought with Arab tribes during the 1916-18 Arab revolt against Turkish imperial rule.

O’Toole always relished talking about “Lawrence of Arabia,” whose shooting locations included Jordan, Spain and Morocco.

Read more at the LA Times

Secret Obamacare handbook the feds don’t want you to see is online

By Tori Richards |

A New Jersey woman who stumbled upon the document was so alarmed that she called the feds to report it. But her concerns fell on deaf ears.

A confidential training manual for Obamacare navigators that threatens prosecution for unauthorized dissemination is on the Internet for the world to see.

The 217-page manual reads like a primer for Amway or novice car salesmen, offering sales advice on how to disarm potential customers who could be lured into purchasing insurance through exchanges created under the Affordable Care Act.

TOP SECRET NO MORE: Now you can know what the navigators know.

TOP SECRET NO MORE: Now you can know what the navigators know.

Section headers include “Smile: Maintain a Positive Demeanor,” “Make the Customers Feel Welcome,” “Listen” and — in what must  now seem ironic given Barack Obama’s troubles with over-promising — “Build Trust: Be True to Your Word.”

The handbook also delves into the more serious topics of “Identifying Personally Identifiable Information,” “IRS Data Safeguards” and “Preventing Fraud.”

Nothing in the manual seems to rise to the level of a state secret — raising questions about why the federal government felt it necessary to classify information that has no reason to be classified.

Read more at Watchdog.Org

Chinese naval vessel tries to force U.S. warship to stop in international waters

USS Cowpens_2_Reuters_660

Handout photo taken September 20, 2012 and released to Reuters on September 25, 2012 of the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Cowpens (CG 63) in the Pacific Ocean.(Reuters)

A Chinese naval vessel tried to force a U.S. guided missile warship to stop in international waters recently, causing a tense military standoff in the latest case of Chinese maritime harassment, according to defense officials.

The guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens, which recently took part in disaster relief operations in the Philippines, was confronted by Chinese warships in the South China Sea near Beijing’s new aircraft carrier Liaoning, according to officials familiar with the incident.

“On December 5th, while lawfully operating in international waters in the South China Sea, USS Cowpens and a PLA Navy vessel had an encounter that required maneuvering to avoid a collision,” a Navy official said.

Read more at FOX News

Study: Atlantic Coast Energy Development Will Create 280,000 Jobs


CRS_oilgas_chart_659pxOffshore energy production has been declining for years. Bad policies have made 86% of the U.S. coast off-limits to safe development. That has inhibited job creation and economic growth, but better policies can reverse this.

A new study, produced by Quest Offshore for the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA), finds that opening the Atlantic outer continental shelf (OCS) to oil and natural gas exploration will add $23.5 billion annually to the economy by 2035 and create 280,000 jobs.

Read more at Free Enterprise

Woman wins knockout game. Did not desire to play at the time.

Well, this participant of the knockout game probably will reconsider future engagements after being beatdown by the woman he punched.

The video shows the assailant targeting the woman, who doesn’t go down after he lands his punch. She turns around and starts punching him repeatedly in the head – but, only after the man next to her delivers an epic kick to the face.

According to, the incident occurred in a Las Vegas, Nevada shopping mall.

Source: CNS News

Federal Judge Says California Attorney General Kamala Harris Wrong on Gun Control Laws

Court denies Harris’ arguments and agrees with gun rights group The Calguns Foundation, says state’s firearm waiting period laws likely fail to meet Constitutional muster

ROSEVILLE, CA — In a rejection of California Attorney General Kamala Harris’ stance on the rights of law-abiding gun owners, Senior Federal District Court Judge Anthony W. Ishii denied Harris’ motion for summary judgement today in a federal civil rights lawsuit filed by The Calguns Foundation, indicating that California’s 10-day “waiting period” gun laws are likely unconstitutional.

“The fact that a federal judge saw these laws for what they are — baseless restraints on the exercise of a fundamental civil right — is monumental,” explained Gene Hoffman, Chairman of The Calguns Foundation. “California’s waiting period laws for those who own guns is not Constitutional and this order really underlines the point.”

In his order, Judge Ishii said that Harris has “not presented sufficient evidence to show that the [10-day waiting period laws] passes either intermediate or strict scrutiny.”

About the laws being challenged in the case, named plaintiff Jeff Silvester of Hanford, California, said, “I have a license to carry a loaded firearm across the State.It is ridiculous that I have to wait another 10 days to pick up a new firearm when I’m standing there in the gun store lawfully carrying one the whole time.”

“This is certainly an exciting development in Second Amendment case law,” noted Brandon Combs, an individual plaintiff in the case and the Executive Director of The Calguns Foundation. “If our Constitution means what it says, then California’s gun waiting period laws have to be overturned and law-abiding people must be allowed to exercise their rights without irrational infringements.”

Read more at The Calguns Foundation

Dog rescued by seeking the right assistance

Abandon dog happy that someone defies the Supreme Court. Takes his case up with the true Supreme Court

Abandon dog seeks assistance from baby Jesus.

Abandon dog seeks assistance from baby Jesus.

A Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard. During the night, someone came across this. An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep. He chose baby Jesus as his comfort. No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night. We should all have the good sense of this dog and curl up in Jesus’ lap from time to time. This is too sweet not to share. No one mentioned that the dog breed is a “shepherd!” FYI: THIS POOCH WAS RESCUED BY A CHURCH MEMBER
Via Hearts Moving Mountains

8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat

Food scientists are shedding light on items loaded with toxins and chemicals–and simple swaps for a cleaner diet and supersized health. Experts from different areas of specialty explain why they won’t eat these eight foods.

Clean eating means choosing fruits, vegetables, and meats that are raised, grown, and sold with minimal processing. Often they’re organic, and rarely (if ever) should they contain additives. But in some cases, the methods of today’s food producers are neither clean nor sustainable. The result is damage to our health, the environment, or both. So we decided to take a fresh look at food through the eyes of the people who spend their lives uncovering what’s safe–or not–to eat. ” Their answers don’t necessarily make up a “banned foods” list. But reaching for the suggested alternatives might bring you better health–and peace of mind.

1. The Endocrinologist Won’t Eat: Canned Tomatoes

The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

2. The Farmer Won’t Eat: Corn-Fed Beef

Cattle evolved to eat grass, not grains. But farmers today feed their animals corn and soybeans, which fatten up the animals faster for slaughter. But more money for cattle farmers (and lower prices at the grocery store) means a lot less nutrition for us.

3. The Toxicologist Won’t Eat: Microwave Popcorn

Chemicals, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), in the lining of the bag, are part of a class of compounds that may be linked to infertility in humans, according to a recent study from UCLA. In animal testing, the chemicals cause liver, testicular, and pancreatic cancer.

4. The Farm Director Won’t Eat: Nonorganic Potatoes

Root vegetables absorb herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides that wind up in soil. In the case of potatoes–the nation’s most popular vegetable–they’re treated with fungicides during the growing season, then sprayed with herbicides to kill off the fibrous vines before harvesting.

5. The Fisheries Expert Won’t Eat: Farmed Salmon

Nature didn’t intend for salmon to be crammed into pens and fed soy, poultry litter, and hydrolyzed chicken feathers. As a result, farmed salmon is lower in vitamin D and higher in contaminants, including carcinogens, PCBs, brominated flame retardants, and pesticides such as dioxin and DDT.

6. The Cancer Researcher Won’t Drink: Milk Produced With Artificial Hormones

Milk producers treat their dairy cattle with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST, as it is also known) to boost milk production. But rBGH also increases udder infections and even pus in the milk.

7. The Biotech Specialist Who Won’t Eat Conventional Soy: GMO Unfermented Soy

Genetically engineered food is a cause of great concern due to the manipulation of DNA and genetic code including transfers from one species to another. Fermented Soy Is The Only Soy Food Fit for Human Consumption and since almost 90% of soy in the world is genetically modified, if you are not ensuring sources are organic, long-term health problems are inevitable, especially since soy has been found to affect hormonal balance and even cause cancer.

8. The Organic-Foods Expert Won’t Eat: Conventional Apples

If fall fruits held a “most doused in pesticides contest,” apples would win. Why? They are individually grafted (descended from a single tree) so that each variety maintains its distinctive flavor. As such, apples don’t develop resistance to pests and are sprayed frequently.

Read more details at Eat Locally Grown

New “anonymous” controversy on the web: Supporting corporate greed.

ifqxqmkIs it to laugh?

enhanced-buzz-wide-31817-1383664975-44Guy Fawkes was a terrorist or a martyr—depending on your perspective—in England. In 1604, he was involved in a plot to blow up Parliament using kegs of gunpowder below the House of Lords in an attempt to restore the Catholic church to power in England. The plot completion was set for the normal meeting of July 28, 1605, but the present threat of the plague set the meeting back to November 5th. The plot was discovered, however, and Guy Fawkes, also known as Guido Fawkes, was captured guarding the powder before the plot could materialize. The main target of the plot was King James I.

Interestingly, Fawkes used the pseudonym of John Johnson and the Tor Johnson Halloween mask reigned supreme in the late 1950s to early 1960s. Fawkes was subsequently tortured and convicted to hang. He fell from the gallows, however, cheating the hangman by breaking his neck. Each year on November 5th, he is burned in effigy.

V2The mask was first seen in a comic book series called V for Vendetta which was adapted into a movie in 2005—400 years after the plot to blow up the House of Lords. The man in the Guy Fawkes mask was “V,” shadowy rebel taking on the tyrannical government of his time.

The mask has recently become the face of “anonymous,” the face against the greed of the capitalist corporations. Hundreds of anonymous videos have taunting and threatening the rise of the corporate oligarchy.

Around November 5th of this year, however, Internet Business Times reported that a series of pictures have been published on the Internet showing a sweat shop factory in São Gonçalo, Brazil laboring to create the popular anonymous masks. The kicker? Since Time Warner adapted the comic book series, they own the rights to the image reaping huge profits from sale of the popular anonymous mask.

Ironic, isn’t it?

International Business Times