Walnuts Are Drugs, Says FDA

The real dangerous nuts come in JC Penny three-piece suits.

This is an example of an agency completely out of control abusing their unconstitutional authority, if true. Do you feel safe now?


Shelled_walnutsSeen any walnuts in your medicine cabinet lately? According to the Food and Drug Administration, that is precisely where you should find them. Because Diamond Foods made truthful claims about the health benefits of consuming walnuts that the FDA didn’t approve, it sent the company a letter declaring, “Your walnut products are drugs” — and “new drugs” at that — and, therefore, “they may not legally be marketed … in the United States without an approved new drug application.” The agency even threatened Diamond with “seizure” if it failed to comply.

Diamond’s transgression was to make “financial investments to educate the public and supply them with walnuts,” as William Faloon of Life Extension magazine put it. On its website and packaging, the company stated that the omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts have been shown to have certain health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. These claims, Faloon notes, are well supported by scientific research: “Life Extension has published 57 articles that describe the health benefits of walnuts”; and “The US National Library of Medicine database contains no fewer than 35 peer-reviewed published papers supporting a claim that ingesting walnuts improves vascular health and may reduce heart attack risk.”

This evidence was apparently not good enough for the FDA, which told Diamond that its walnuts were “misbranded” because the “product bears health claims that are not authorized by the FDA.”

More at Realfarmacy.com

Aryan Brotherhood targeting black teens who beat WWII vet to death: cops

Kenan Adams-Kindard and Demetrius Glenn, both 16, are accused of murdering Delbert Belton in Spokane, Wash. But the boys are in protective custody after cops got word the Aryan Brotherhood is offering a $10,000 bounty on the teens.


Delbert Belton died after two teens jumped him in a parking lot, police say.

Two Washington state teens accused of beating an 88-year-old World War II veteran to death are in the crosshairs of the Aryan Brotherhood.

The white supremacist group reportedly put a $10,000 bounty on Spokane teens Kenan Adams-Kinard and Demetrius Glenn, both 16 and black and both accused of murder, according to the Spokane Spokesman-Review.

The boys are alleged to have beaten Delbert Belton to death outside his car in the parking lot of a city ice rink in August.

More at New York Daily News

Pentagon requests plan to close stateside commissaries

commissaryTasked by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to find ways to preserve force readiness amid sharply falling budgets, his comptroller and the Joint Staff have asked the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) for a plan to close all stateside base grocery stores, say military resale community sources.

Time will tell if this is just the loudest warning shot yet fired by a department desperate for budget relief, or if stateside commissaries, still enormously popular with military families and retirees, are viewed by current military leaders as a costly relic burdening a financially stressed force.

Under Secretary of Defense Robert Hale, the department’s top financial adviser, and Air Force Lt. Gen. Mark F. Ramsay, director of force structure, resources and assessment for the Joint Staff, reportedly requested the plan in a meeting with military personnel policy and commissary officials.

More details at Stars and Stripes.

Wisconsin family opens 50-year old bomb shelter

Blast from the Past

NEEHAH, WISCONSIN—Although this is a story from May of this year, it represents another story of life imitating art. Sort of.

The Zwick family knew that the previous owner had built a bomb shelter when they moved in over ten years previous. It was not until 2010, however, that they decided to open the 50-year-old, eight-foot by ten-foot chamber to see what was inside. Unlike Blast From the Past, the family did not find a family living inside waiting for the fallout from the Cuban missile crisis to subside. Surely fortunate as well, they did not find the bodies of a family who were waiting for the fallout from the Cuban missile crisis to subside.

The Mail Online reported:

“We assumed it was just this empty space,” homeowner Carol Hollar-Zwick told the Appleton Post-Crescent.

The boxes, old military ammunition crates, contained markings that suggested there might be explosives inside, so the family called the local branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Agents opened the crates to find… Hawaiian Punch.

Goodies from the past.

“It was all of what you would expect to find in a 1960s fallout shelter. It was food, clothing, medical supplies, tools, flashlights, batteries – items that you would want to have in a shelter if you planned to live there for two weeks.”

Everything remained remarkably well-preserved, thanks to the airtight containers the supplies were kept in.

The items were donated to the Neehan Historical Society which just happens to have an exhibit about the cold war fear of the bomb.

Matinee was another comedy about the cold war era featuring a bomb shelter. It was set in Florida at the height of the Cuban missile crisis.

Source: Mail Online

In politics, you better learn how to duck.

Photo by: Emerald McIntyre

Photo by: Emerald McIntyre

They are on television. Their figures and products are lined along Wal-Mart aisles. And now, they may be in your politics.

Although prominent Republican Eric Cantor backed fellow Neil Riser, a political novice by the name of Vance McAllister took the special election for the 5th Congressional district in Louisiana.

He told local KNOE TV that “Washington may not be ready for me.”

His endorsements? Probably his biggest endorsement came from the “Duck Dynasty” family. His endorsement came from former starting quarterback for the Louisiana Tech Bulldogs Phil Robertson.

It is said that he kept Terry Bradshaw on the bench and now he did the same to McAllister’s political rival Neil Riser. With the word from Robertson, McAllister took 60% of the vote from his established political rival.

A handful of Washington GOP operatives tried to get one of the members of the Duck Dynasty family to run for the seat, but failed.

The seat became available for the special runoff election when former Rep. Rodney Alexander resigned on Sept. 26 to become secretary of the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs under Republican Governor Bobby Jindal.

SEE ALSO: Washington Times

House Republicans back new constitutional challenge to ObamaCare

Forty House Republicans filed a brief last week in support of a legal challenge against ObamaCare that argues the law imposes billions of dollars in new taxes but did not originate in the House, as tax bills must under the Constitution.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) spearheaded the effort by filing a “friend of the court” brief on Friday with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. That brief argued that ObamaCare violated the Origination Clause of the Constitution, which holds that all bills for raising revenue “shall originate in the House.”

The brief recounted how ObamaCare was ultimately passed — the Senate took an unrelated bill that gave tax breaks to certain veterans and added what ultimately became the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

“If the Senate can introduce the largest tax increase in American history by simply peeling off the House number from a six-page unrelated bill which does not raise taxes and pasting it on the ‘Senate Health Care Bill,’ and then claim with a straight face that the resulting bill originated in the House, in explicit contravention of the supreme law of the land, then the American ‘rule of law’ has become no rule at all,” the GOP brief said.

Read more at The Hill

3 children who were victims of Texas sex ring taken from foster parents after new abuse claims

HOUSTON – Three children who were victims of a swinger’s club in a small East Texas town have been removed from the custody of their foster parents after accusing their caretakers of physical and emotional abuse, a child welfare official said Wednesday.

A judge in Wood County on Tuesday ordered that the three siblings — a 13-year-old girl, 14-year-old boy and a 16-year-old girl — plus a 17-year-old boy be placed in the temporary custody of Child Protective Services, said Shari Pulliam, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.

The siblings had been living with John and Margaret Cantrell, who is the person who had first alerted authorities about the swinger’s club in Mineola, located about 80 miles east of Dallas. The couple had been taking care of the children since 2005. The 17-year-old boy was adopted by the Cantrells.

Sarah King, an attorney for the Cantrells, declined to comment Wednesday. No charges have been filed against the couple.

More at FOX News

Marine Corps officials: 4 Marines killed in training accident at Camp Pendleton in California

SAN DIEGO – Four Marines were killed Wednesday in a training accident at Camp Pendleton in Southern California, base officials said.

The accident happened at 11 a.m. during a range maintenance operation at the San Diego County coastal base. Officials were investigating the cause and provided no further details on the training or the accident.

The identities of the dead were being withheld pending notification of relatives.

“We offer our heartfelt prayers and condolences to the families of the Marines lost today in this tragic accident,” said Brig. Gen. John W. Bullard, commanding general of Marine Corps Installations West at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. “Our first priority is to provide the families with the support they need during this difficult time.”

More at FOX News

Hundreds Attend Lonely Veteran’s Funeral After Sad Obit Goes Viral

ku-bigpicWorld War II vet Harold Jellicoe “Coe” Percival passed away peacefully in his sleep last month at the age of 99. According to his obituary, Harold had “no close family who can attend his funeral.”

Enter: The Internet.

After a scan of the former RAF Bomber Command ground crew member obituary appeared online last week, many took special note of the sentence asking for “any service personnel who can” to kindly attend his funeral, which was scheduled for this morning at 11 AM Blackpool time.

A call to action soon coalesced as the obit made its way around Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.

“If you’re in the area give him the send off he deserves,” asked Sgt. Rick Clement, an Afghanistan War vet who was wounded in the line of duty. “This guy needs and deserves your help.”

More at Gawker

‘Thanksgivukkah’: The Thanksgiving and Chanukah hybrid.

We are being taught of the virtues of hybrid cars over fossil fuel vehicles. This year there will be an unusual holiday hybrid as Chanukah, commonly called Hanukkah, will be celebrated starting on Thanksgiving. The celebration will begin, this year, sunset on Wednesday, November 27, 2013, and ends in the evening of Thursday, December 5.

The fact that Thanksgiving and Chanukah fall on the same day is so rare that it won’t happen again for another 77,000 years.

This combination gave Stephen Colbert the opportunity to attack Christians, Jews (but not as bad), and America on his Colbert Report.

Most people have not taken the time to find out what Hanukkah is, exactly. Most Americans only know of the holiday because of its usual proximity to Christmas. The holiday is not considered that high on the Jewish calendar and is not of religious significance.

The Jewish Virtual Library Chanukah is a celebration of the Jewish people, led by the Maccabbees, over the Greeks. After their victory over the Greeks, the people went to rededicate the temple, but there was only enough oil to burn in the temple menorah for one day. The miracle is that the menorah burned for eight-days. The Festival of Lights celebrates the miracle of the oil, not the victory of war.

It is tradition to give presents each of the eight-days of items that are useful to the receiver, such as clothing, food and the like.

Interestingly the book of the Maccabbees is removed from the King James Bible while being retained in the Apocrypha used by the Catholics. The Catholics apparently did not add the Apocrypha until the Council of Trent (1546 AD). This is probably because of the descendants of the Maccabbees. The descendants are known in the New Testament as the Herods of the time of Jesus. There are arguments against the Apocrypha being considered inspired by God as is the Holy Bible.

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a celebration of thanks to God. Children today are only taught to think of turkey and pumpkin pie. Rarely are the Pilgrims mentioned and the Mayflower Compact is strictly forbidden teaching in schools.

Just as Chanukah is not about the victory, Thanksgiving is not about getting stuffed and watching football. It is about giving thanks to God for all that one has received through the year. Far from being closed for the holidays, churches should be open and having worship services.