To the moon, Alice! To the moon!

kramden_powWASHINGTON—Ralph Kramden must have been a Democrat. For years he wanted wife Alice to beat Neil Armstrong to the moon. Or words to that effect. Now Democrat Representative Donna Edwards wants to commemorate one of the events.

If Representative Edwards from Maryland and Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas has her way, Ralph would have been able to take his wife there for their honeymoon (Pun intended, though poor). Edwards has submitted H.R. 2617, “To establish the Apollo Lunar Landing Sites National Historical Park on the Moon, and for other purposes.”

The act would establish a park on the moon protecting the artifacts from the various Apollo missions at the various landing sites. This is, of course, as constitutional as the parks systems within the United States.

The bill would allow the Secretary of the Interior to enter into an agreement with the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to create the proposed park. The secretary will also be able to enter into an agreement with “a Federal agency to provide public access to, and management, interpretation, and historic preservation of, historically significant Apollo lunar landing site resources under the jurisdiction or control of the Federal agency.”

Funding? Not a problem. The bill allows:

The Secretary may accept donations from, and enter into cooperative agreements with, foreign governments and international bodies, organizations, or individuals to further the purpose of an interagency agreement entered into under paragraph (1) or to provide visitor services and administrative facilities within reasonable proximity to the Historical Park.

After all, the bill also allows it to be established with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a World Heritage Site.

This should provide a big boost to Sir Richard Branson’s Space Program.

Source: National Journal

You Can Now Bear Arms in a Post Office Parking Lot

A federal judge rules it is OK to bring a gun to a USPS parking lot, but not inside the facility. Fill in your ‘going postal’ pun here.

By Brian Resnick

Tab Bonidy was polite enough to ask before he brought a gun into a Colorado post office. In 2010 his lawyer sent a letter to USPS asking whether Bonidy would be prosecuted if he brought a firearm inside the facility or left one in his car while, let’s say, purchasing stamps. And he got a response.

According to Thursday’s ruling by District Judge Richard Matsch, the USPS legal counsel responded to Bonidy, saying, “Regulations governing conduct on postal property prevent (Bonidy) from carrying firearms, openly or concealed, onto any real property under the charge and control of the Postal Service.”

She was referring to Title 39 of the Federal Regulations, which dates back to 1972:

Weapons and explosives. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, rule or regulation, no person while on postal property may carry firearms, other dangerous or deadly weapons, or explosives, either openly or concealed, or store the same on postal property, except for official purposes.

Feeling his rights were being violated, Bonidy teamed up with the National Association for Gun Rights to file suit against this provision.

Read more at the National Journal

Supreme Court Tears Into Fifth Amendment, Rules Silence Can Be Used Against You If Questioned

dissent-silencedScott Shackford

In a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court ruled today that a potential defendant’s silence can be used against him if he is being interviewed by police but is not arrested (and read his Miranda rights) and has not verbally invoked the protection of the Fifth Amendment.

Tim Lynch at the Cato Institute explains that the Salinas v. Texas case was intended to be about whether prosecutors during a trial could cast aspersions on a defendant’s silence during questioning that took place prior to arrest — prior to the defendent being told he had the right to remain silent. Instead, the Supreme Court determined that they wouldn’t need to rule on the matter because the defendant had never invoked the Fifth Amendment’s protection. This decision means that it’s the responsibility of the individual to know about the protections offered by the Fifth Amendment even prior to arrest and to actually verbally invoke it:

The Court said Salinas simply remained silent and did not “formally” invoke any constitutional right, so prosecutors could offer commentary to the jury. What’s most disturbing about the ruling is its discussion of “burdens.” The plurality put the onus on the individual, not the government. That is the profound error in the decision. As the dissenters noted, in the circumstances of the case, it was evident what Salinas was doing. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has complicated the law for persons who are the most vulnerable–persons who lack education, persons who do not speak English very well, persons who may suffer from mental problems, and persons who may be under the influence of alcohol. This is a bad day for the Bill of Rights.

Read more at Prince Vega

The Surprising Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

By Pina LoGiudice

Conventional thought used to consider fats like coconut oil to be unhealthy and contribute to heart disease. We now know that this isn’t true. In fact, coconut oil is actually a heart-healthy food that can keep your body running smoother in a few different ways.

What are the health benefits of coconut oil?

Studies have show that intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus and candida.

Coconut oil can also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control. People who take coconut oil also tend to have improvements in how they handle blood sugar since coconut can help improve insulin use within the body. Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. It increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Can coconut oil reduce cholesterol?

Coconut oil has a saturated fat called lauric acid, a type of MCT. It has been shown that lauric acid increases the good HDL cholesterol in the blood to help improve cholesterol ratio levels. Coconut oil lowers cholesterol by promoting its conversion to pregnenolone, a molecule that is a precursor to many of the hormones our bodies need. Coconut can help restore normal thyroid function. When the thyroid does not function optimally, it can contribute to higher levels of bad cholesterol.

How does coconut help keep weight balanced?

Coconut fats have special fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). It has been shown that breaking down these types of healthy fats in the liver leads to efficient burning of energy. One 2009 study found that women who consumed 30 milliliters (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks not only did not gain more weight, but actually had lowered amounts of abdominal fat, a type of fat that is difficult to lose, and contributes to more heart problems.

Read more at Dr. Oz

Hailey, Idaho holds rally in support of Sergent Bergdhal

flierHAILEY, IDAHO—During the Run for the Wall motorcycle rally, the east coast group Rolling Thunder highlighted the plight of Sergeant Bowe Robert Bergdahl who was captured by insurgents in Afghanistan. This month, a local group in plan a Bring Bowie Back rally in his home State of Idaho.

Sergeant Bergdahl was taken captive on June 30, 2009 as a private and promoted in abstentia. The administration has made attempts to rescue him, but all have failed. He is currently the only known, living prisoner of war.

Stefanie O’Neill, one of the organizers of the event, said that the event started as a tree dedication in a local park, “… but as people heard about the event, it started growing at a rapid rate and has evolved into a full blown rally with both locals and supporters from across the County attending. This will be largest rally for Bowe every held. I am completely overwhelmed by the support pouring in from around the Country for this event.”

Hailey Chief of Police Jeff M. Gunter will escort the rally to the capitol city of Boise

Hailey Chief of Police Jeff M. Gunter will escort the rally to the capitol city of Boise

This is the first year of the event, “…started as an effort to show the Bergdahl Family that their hometown and surrounding communities in the Wood River Valley have not forgotten Bowe,” Stefanie said.

Debbie O’Neill explained that 500 motorcycles are expected to meet in Jerome, Idaho at the Flying J. Hailey Police Chief Jeff Gunter will escort the rally participants 50 miles to Bellevue where they will meet with another motorcycle group from Boise. Chief Gunter will escort the entire group to the event in Boise scheduled for the 22nd of June.

While the event is centered in Idaho, any riders from any State are welcome to attend the event.

The event is supported by the POW Network, the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Group and smaller motorcycle and military groups from the Northwest. The Northeast, Pocatello and Boise Chapters of the POW/MIA organization from Idaho will be attending. In addition, the Elko Nevada POW/MIA Organization are supporting the event. More will probably be added by the date of the event.

If you wish to learn more about the event, you visit the web site for more information.

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Outbreak of Rare Strain of Hepatitis A Spreads to Hawaii

By Dan Flynn |

Another Western state was touched by the outbreak of a rare strain of hepatitis A, adding two more individuals to the list of those sickened nationwide.  Hawaii is the sixth state to be added to the growing outbreak.

State health officials in Hawaii say two adults, one from the island of Oahu and the other from Kauai, are among those sickened with the liver disease.  Like at least another 30 victims on the mainland, the Hawaii residents are believed to have consumed a frozen organic berry mix purchased at local Costco outlets.

The national warehouse outlet based in Seattle has removed the product from its shelves, and contacted it members who purchased the mixed berry product.  But the weekend passed without any official recall by manufacturer of the suspect product, Townsend Farms, based in Oregon.

Townsend Farms Organic Anti-Oxidant Blend contains berries from multiple locations (Argentina, Chile and Turkey) and a pomegranate seed mix from Egypt, according to health officials.

Read more at Food Safety News

SEE ALSO: Case Count Rises to 49 in Hepatitis A Outbreak Linked to Frozen Berries

Larry Conners: KMOV ‘Forced Me’ to Read a ‘Misleading Statement’

Former KMOV anchor Larry Conners is doubling down on his claim that the IRS targeted him after a tense interview with President Obama. In a statement this morning, Conners said he can “finally speak in response to the allegations labeling me a ‘tax cheat’, ‘tax fraud’ … because of a misleading statement the [sic] KMOV forced me to read.”

Conners said KMOV “dictated” a statement for him to read on the air “which sounded as if I withheld information to infer a connection between President Obama and the IRS action, and which I was not allowed to amend or explain.”

More at MediaBistro

3 Must Have Herbs for Stress Reduction

by Christina Sarich
May 26th, 2013
Natural Society

Are you mentally exhausted and feel as if you can’t face one more stress in life? It’s becoming widely accepted that stress is a significant cause of illness and disease overall, so it’s important to manage this dilemma in any way possible. There are three Ayurvedic herbs that can greatly support the restoration of the central nervous system, adrenal glands, and brain so that you can face life’s challenges with ease and grace. We all face challenging times, and a little natural therapy can go a long way in helping to support us as we look head-on into the world.

Here are 3 must-have herbs for reducing stress.

Read more at Natural Society

What’s the Difference Between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?

freedom-bannerBoth Memorial Day and Veterans Day are federal government holidays that honor American military personnel. However, one honors all past and present American veterans, and the other is set aside to remember specifically those who have died in battle.

Here’s the history of each holiday and a breakdown of the differences between them:

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May, which in 2011 falls on May 30. The day is predominantly for honoring and remembering military personnel who died while in the military service, particularly those who died in combat or as a result of injuries sustained during battle.

Memorial Day was originally celebrated under a different name. After the Civil War ended in 1865, people began dedicating certain days to placing flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers who had died in the war . In 1868, former Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, the head of an organization of Union veterans, established May 30 as Decoration Day. The holiday’s name was formally changed to Memorial Day in 1882.

Read more at Live Science

Vast Oklahoma Tornado Kills at Least 91

MOORE, Okla. — A giant tornado, a mile wide or more, killed at least 91 people, 20 of them children, as it tore across parts of Oklahoma City and its suburbs Monday afternoon, flattening homes, flinging cars through the air and crushing at least two schools.

The injured flooded into hospitals, and the authorities said many people remained trapped, even as rescue workers struggled to make their way through debris-clogged streets to the devastated suburb of Moore, where much of the damage occurred.

Amy Elliott, the spokeswoman for the Oklahoma City medical examiner, said at least 91 people had died, including the children, and officials said that toll was likely to climb. Hospitals reported at least 145 people injured, 70 of them children.

Read more at the New York Times
SEE ALSO: How to help Oklahoma tornado victims