Reporter Ben Swann Smeared For Questioning Media’s Sandy Hook Narrative

Christopher McDaniel

Ben Swann Facebook

Ben Swann is an anchor for Fox 19 in Cincinnati. According to his bio, Swann has been the recipient of the Edward R. Murrow Award and two Emmys for his work. He is not a sensationalistic reporter. He is not out to “get clicks” at the expense of his integrity. Swann is, quite possibly, the last bastion of journalistic integrity in America today.

I first started following him last year when I saw one of the segments in his “Reality Check” series during the political primary season. I found Swann to be engaging and honest. He never issued verdicts, but rather always presented the facts as they stood and asked questions to engage the viewer in critical thought.

Salon published a piece on Monday about him, attempting to disguise itself as balanced, but it falters throughout. The author, Alex Seitz-Wald, repeatedly portrays Swann’s commentary with a not-so-subtle amount of sarcasm. It is quite obvious that Ben Swann is striking a nerve with the national media.

His latest piece, via his web-based, “Full Disclosure” series, does not allude to any of the shootings being a “false flag” or a “hoax.” However, it does what we the people should demand of journalists — it asks questions. Swann asks how so many eyewitnesses can claim to see multiple shooters at these events, and somehow all we get is a lone gunman narrative, every single time.

Read more at PolicyMic

And we think we have it bad.

Jimmy Kimmel explained January 11 that the people of Los Angeles are suffering through a cold snap with temperatures dropping to a frigid mid-50s. We lucky folks are experiencing a warming trend expected to reach a high of 47-degrees by Saturday. Apparently it won’t be long before the good people of L.A. will have to have FEMA bring them propane heaters.

Hugo award nominations open

hugo_smNominations for the biggest award of the year for science fiction are now open. The Hugo Award nomination process started on January 2 and run to March 10th. The 2013 Hugo Awards are being administered by LoneStarCon 3, the 2013 World Science Fiction Convention in San Antonio, Texas.

The awards are named after Hugo Gernsback, the founder of the pioneering science fiction magazine Amazing Stories. The Hugo is awarded by the World Science Fiction Society.

People eligible to nominate for the award must be, or have been, a member of the 2012, 2013 or 2014 Worldcons as of January 31, 2013. Nominations must be received by March 10, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. Post marks and other date stamps do not count.

Indiana considers regulating the use of drones.

INDIANA—The Indiana State General Assembly is considering a bill to ban the use of drones without the consent of those being monitored.

The synopsis of Senate Bill No. 20 concerning the use of unmanned aerial vehicles reads:

Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally uses an unmanned aerial vehicle to monitor a person, property, or thing without the written consent of the subject of the monitoring commits a Class D felony. Provides that images or communications obtained through the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle are not admissible as evidence. Provides that a person who possesses an image or communications obtained through the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle commits a Class A misdemeanor. Prohibits the use of public money to purchase an unmanned aerial vehicle.

The bill would take effect July 1, 2013

Indiana lawmaker—Senator Jim Tomes (R-Wadesville)—submitted the bill placing limits on drones. In an interview with onpolitix, he said, “That you [sic] couldn’t be videotaping you, your property, or your things without your written permission.”

He, also, cited the possibility of a crash by a drone.

Rep. Clyde Kersey (D-Terre Haute.) disagrees with the Senator. He believes the legislation is misguided because drones are safe. “They’re like an airplane and they’re crash record is pretty good compared to aircraft, so I don’t see a problem with that at all,” he said

NLRB board member Richard Griffin allegedly covered up embezzlement at a major labor union

nlrb-logo-300x297A recent lawsuit filed in a federal court in California alleges that National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) member Richard Griffin was complicit in a scheme to cover up embezzlement at a major labor union by terminating employees who attempted to expose the effort.

The allegations appear in a lengthy complaint filed against the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE). The lawsuit alleges numerous violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, and names Griffin, IUOE’s former general counsel, as a defendant.


To Sidestep Obamacare, Wendy’s Reduces Hours for Hundreds in Nebraska

Employees at various Wendy’s restaurant locations in Nebraska will work fewer hours this year, reportedly due to costs associated with Obamacare.

Under the new healthcare law, businesses with 50 or more “full-time” employees must offer health benefits to their staffers working between 32 and 38 hours. Non-managerial workers at Omaha-area Wendy’s will see their hours cut to 28 hours a week, according to local NBC affiliate WOWT.

Gary Burdette, vice president of operations for the Wendy’s franchise, acknowledged the cuts are an attempt by the franchise owner to reduce the number of full-time employees at his Wendy’s locations to avoid offering health care benefits to his staff, according to WOWT.

Wendy’s spokesman Denny Lynch stressed in a Huffington Post interview that the decision of franchise owner Scott King was his alone and not “a company decision.”

“Our franchisees are independent businesspeople, and they make the decisions regarding their restaurant teams. As small-business employers, our franchisees are facing rising food and operating costs and many new government regulations,” Lynch said.


Georgia soldier in Afghanistan marries on Skype

WLTZ 38 | Columbus Georgia Regional News
(CNN)-A couple from Georgia did not let the thousands of miles separating them keep them from getting married. They used Skype to bridge the gap and tie the knot.

Jacqueline Durham spent her wedding day like most brides. From her bedazzled bride outfit, she got ready with her bridesmaids and took plenty of pictures.

“Say cheeeesee.”

And something not on a typical bride to be list, check her Internet connection.

Jacqueline would marry her Fort Gordon Soldier while he is still stationed overseas in Afghanistan- through skype! “He told me about it. And he’s like what do you think about that? Do you want to do that? And I was like, of course. Since we can’t be together, it’d make it special”

After two years of dating Trey, Jacqueline told me she couldn’t wait any longer.

Read more at WLTZ Channel 38

Newtown man dies in Stamford accident

STAMFORD, CT. — A 46-year-old Newtown man who worked behind the scenes on numerous blockbuster films was killed in a head-on accident on the Merritt Parkway Friday evening.

Scott Getzinger, a property master who provided props for more than 25 films, including “Spider-Man,” “Independence Day,” “The Truman Show” and the upcoming “Men in Black III” and “The Dark Knight Rises,” died at Stamford Hospital after sustaining severe injuries.

Getzinger suffered multiple broken bones, but was described as conscious and alert after being cut out of the 2002 Ford F-150 pickup truck he was driving. State police initially characterized his injuries as non-life threatening.

Read more at the Stamford Advocate

Furniture Maker Hailed As U.S. Job Creator Closes

LINCOLNTON, N.C. (AP) — A start-up North Carolina furniture company once celebrated as a sign of America’s manufacturing rebound has closed, a year after its head was hosted by President Barack Obama.

Lincolnton Furniture Company was silent Friday, a day after shutting down. President Bruce Cochrane and other company officers did not return messages to The Associated Press.

Company financial officer Ben Causey said manufacturing operations were stopped indefinitely because orders were insufficient. He told The Charlotte Observer that only a few people would remain employed and the next steps were uncertain.


Daughters of American Revolution responds to report by FOX

Merry Ann T. Wright; President General DAR.

Merry Ann T. Wright; President General DAR.

FOX News reported on January 2nd that the patriotic Daughters of the American Revolution was essentially removing God from their material. A commenter to this blog responded, “The FOX News report wasn’t entirely accurate. Not all references have been removed–some references. I’m not happy with these changes but am not happy with the reporting on them either. I’ve heard some ugly things said about the DAR today.”

The changes to the Ritual and Missual were made in April of 2012 and that is when the questions rose. Apparently some members were upset over the new changes.

The FOX report claimed that they sought a statement from the office of the President General of the Daughters of the American Revolution and they did not respond. FOX repeated the claim in their updated report. It is not known whether or not Todd Starnes of FOX sought information from the official web sites of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The response from the Daughters of the American Revolution headquarters came the day the FOX report went viral.

In an email response, DAR Public Relations officer Bren Landon stated, “I personally received a voice message and email from FOX on the afternoon of Jan. 2 but I was flying back to DC after the holidays and was unable to access my messages. I do believe that they should have received my out of office voice mail and email messages alerting them that I was out of the office and unable to get back to them until I was back in the office. There has been no indication that, in my absence, FOX News tried to reach the President General or anyone else at the organization by calling the main DAR headquarters phone number or the President General’s Office.”

With the attack on Christianity in this country and the recent vote of the Democratic party to remove God from it’s material, it is not hard to presume yet another assault on Christianity without hearing the other side. [For example]

In an official press release of January 3rd, the NSDAR stated, “NSDAR is disappointed to learn that false and incorrect information has recently been circulated regarding the 2011 edition of the DAR Ritual and Missal and the use of the name Jesus Christ in prayers and other ceremonial events of the National Society. The purpose of this message is to clarify NSDAR’s position on the matter for anyone who has not previously viewed the blogs written by President General Merry Ann T. Wright.”

“First, the question was posed by a national media group that if the motto of DAR is God, Home and Country, then ‘…why is DAR taking out references to God…’ in its printed material,” the statement said. ” Nothing could be further from the truth.” The 113 page Ritual and Missual contains over 300 references to God.

President General Merry Ann T. Wright points out in an April 2012 entry on her blog, “Our DAR Motto was originally: ‘Home and Country’ and it wasn’t until 1978 that it was revised to be ‘God, Home and Country’.”

The official statement said, “Second, the allegation has been leveled that Chaplains and others have been told not to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Again, this is an absolute falsehood. Each Chaplain and other officers are strongly encouraged to create their own prayers into which they may insert the name of Jesus Christ as deemed appropriate for the occasion and the audience.”

President General Wright stated emphatically, “We have in no way mandated that one must or must not use the name of Jesus Christ in the prayers. In our DAR rituals, prayers are included. Most of the prayers begin with ‘Our Father’ or ‘Almighty God’ and end ‘in Your Holy Name.’ Christ’s prayer, known as The Lord’s Prayer, the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, Easter and Passover prayers and prayers for other religious observances are included.”

In a May 2012 update on the blog of the President General, Merry Wright commented, “Freedom of religion and expression are at the heart of the founding of our Nation and are ingrained in the hearts of all members as we strive to honor and remember our Patriots who secured our liberty with their blood, their fortunes and their lives. Nowhere is that more clear than in the First Amendment to our Constitution where the framers said: ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . .’ The Patriots who wrote that amendment started their meetings with a prayer, as did the Congress which incorporated NSDAR in 1896 and every session of the U.S. House and Senate since then.”

That very statement, of course, is the reason Christians question why they are excluded from government venues and schools.

She also added some comments from members of the Daughters of the American Revolution:

“Each person has a right to their religious preferences and that is just what our forefathers did when they signed the Constitution. . . that is why we honor these ancestors . . . because they fought for the right of religious freedoms.”

“I am so proud of your statement . . . . ‘Tradition is a guide and not a jailer’ -W. Somerset Maugham”

“I fully support your efforts to make the NSDAR Ritual inclusive and hope others will pray about there [sic] opposition to the new handbook.”

Some of the most recent comments on the FOX update:

I am a DAR member who is very upset about this! NAME the “few” that have changed the missal and Ritual book. Let’s put the heat on them to face the 170,000 members. They don’t speak for me. If the ones who are taking Christ out of DAR then the Christians need to leave…. how many do you think will still be there? Lee Reith, North Carolina Chapter.—Wilma Lee Hostetter Reith

Rewriting history, yet again! I’m seeing a double standard here ~ intolerance, but not from Christians!—Kathy Stuart Wilson

I don’t understand why people who don’t like an organizations beliefs feel they have to change it rather than create their own organization reflecting their own beliefs. On second thought, it seems to be an anti-christian strategy, infiltrate “Christian” organizations and change them from the inside. “Wolves in sheep’s clothing.” is how the Apostle Paul put it. The Boy Scouts of America is another example of the same thing happening.—Erica Gautreaux Babin

Some of these may not be from DAR members.

The NSDAR has provided copies of the Ritual and Missals from 1903 to today in PDF online.