Project Appleseed coming to Flagstaff shooting range

Project Appleseed will be holding a clinic at the Northern Arizona Shooting Range in Flagstaff on August 24th and 25th at 8:30 am each day. The clinic will focus on rifle marksmanship skill.

The skill will include the six steps to firing a shot, natural point of aim, sling use and other skills in firing rifles. They also discuss the history of the beginning of the American War for Independence and the heritage of the nation.

The clinic costs $80 per man, $40 for each woman and under $20 for people under 18. Active duty military, law enforcement officers and elected offficials are free. The $7 range fee is not included and must be paid by all on entry. Your own rifles and ammunition are required. You can find more information at their web site.

Project Appleseed, according to their web site,

…is an activity of The Revolutionary War Veterans Association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, dedicated to teaching every American our shared heritage and history as well as traditional rifle marksmanship skills. Our volunteer instructors travel across the country teaching those who attend about the difficult choices, the heroic actions, and the sacrifices that the Founders made on behalf of modern Americans, all of whom are their posterity.

“Our rifle marksmanship program complements our history and heritage. We teach the traditional American marksmanship skills,” their web site states.

The Northern Arizona Shooting Range is located on USFS Road 128A 3.8 miles past the junction of USFS Roads 82 and 128. It is east of Flagstaff and south of the Winona exit #211 on I-40. (Map and directions)

Coconino lifts fire restriction due to monsoon weather

Stage 1 fire restrictions remain on US Forest Service property


FLAGSTAFF—Monsoon rains allowed Coconino County to lift its fire restrictions earlier this month, but stage 1 fire restrictions remain in the Coconino and Kaibab forests. The Williams watershed opened for hiking, but some areas of Coconino may still be dry and present hazardous fire conditions.

Ample monsoonal rainfall throughout Northern Arizona has brought much needed moisture to tinder-dry forests and area landscapes. Fortunately the rainfall lessened the danger of fire from thunder. Careless acts with fire could still start a blaze, however.

Under Stage 1 fire restrictions on federal land:
• Fires, campfires, charcoal, coal and wood stoves are allowed in developed campgrounds only.
• Smoking is allowed only in enclosed vehicles, buildings or in developed campgrounds.
• Using a device that is solely fueled by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels that can be turned on and off is allowed in areas that are clear of flammable materials.

This has prompted the Northern Arizona Shooting Range to open again with a clay pigeon shoot scheduled for the weekend of August 10 & 11 and another scheduled for September 7 & 8. Conditions could change, so you should contact the range to see if these activities are still available.

Long range predictions are for excellent chances of precipitation through Wednesday with chances of scattered thunderstorms through next Saturday.