Williams Ranger District fire managers announce locations scheduled for prescribed burning starting this fall

WILLIAMS — Fire managers for the Williams Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest are announcing locations where they plan to complete prescribed fire projects starting in October and continuing through much of next year. Up to about 12,500 acres could be treated across the district during that time as long as weather and fuel conditions allow.

Areas that could be treated are as follows:

  • McCracken East Prescribed Fire: Three burn units southeast of Williams, approximately 850 acres
  • McCracken West Prescribed Fire: Southeast of Williams, approximately 1,700 acres
  • Twin South Prescribed Fire: South of Williams, approximately 300 acres
  • Dutch Kid Knoll Prescribed Fire: Southwest of Williams, approximately 4,100 acres
  • Dutch Kid Hat Tank Prescribed Fire: Southwest of Williams, approximately 100 acres
  • Dutch Kid East Loop Prescribed Fire: South of Williams, approximately 1,000 acres
  • Newman Hill Prescribed Fire: Northeast of Williams, approximately 900 acres
  • Kendrick Prescribed Fire: Eleven burn units northeast of Williams, approximately 3,400 acres

During prescribed fires, community members and visitors may see fire personnel and vehicles in the vicinity. Smoke may also be present and may result in short-duration impacts to populated areas.

All prescribed burning on the Kaibab National Forest is subject to approval by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and appropriate weather conditions. For additional information on the Smoke Management Division of the ADEQ and to view prescribed burns authorized on any given day, please visit http://www.azdeq.gov/environ/air/smoke/index.html.

Prior to any given prescribed fire, additional information will be released regarding location, timing and anticipated smoke impacts. Kaibab National Forest fire information is also available through the following resources: InciWeb http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/4112/; Kaibab National Forest Fire Information Phone Line (928) 635-8311; Text Message – text ‘follow kaibabnf’ to 40404.

Campgrounds scheduled to close for season on Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts

WILLIAMS — Campgrounds on the Williams and Tusayan ranger districts of the Kaibab National Forest will soon be closing for the winter season.

Williams Ranger District

The last night to camp at Dogtown Lake Campground and White Horse Lake Campground on the Williams Ranger District will be Sept. 30. Campsites may be reserved at www.recreation.gov through Sept. 22. After Sept. 22, all campsites at the two campgrounds will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The last night to camp in the group sites and the upper loops of Kaibab Lake Campground will be Sept. 30. The lower loops (loops A and B) will remain open until Oct. 17, with the campsites being available on a first-come, first-served basis. The day-use area and the boat ramp will remain open.

Spring Valley Cabin north of Parks, Ariz., does not close seasonally. It will remain open throughout the winter months and can be reserved at www.recreation.gov.

Tusayan Ranger District

The last night to camp in the group sites at Ten-X Campground on the Tusayan Ranger District will be Sept. 30. The single-family campsites will remain open until Oct. 4. The single-family campsites may be reserved at www.recreation.gov through Sept. 25. After Sept. 25, they will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Hull Cabin is scheduled to close for the winter season Sept. 30. It will reopen in April 2016 and can be reserved at www.recreation.gov.

CPT meeting scheduled September 26

WILLIAMS — There will be a meeting Saturday, September 26th at 10 a.m. of the Community Preparedness Team. The meeting will be held at the Wild West Junction on Route 66. The CPT program is designed to develop teams to support the community in the event of natural or man-made disaster.

Williams Clean and Beautiful tomorrow

WILLIAMS — Do not forget to come out to Williams Clean and Beautiful campaign at the Williams-Kaibab Visitor Center parking lot tomorrow. The clean-up will start at 9 a.m. and run until noon. The American Legion Cordova Post No. 13 will be hosting the barbecue at that time.

The weather will be clear tomorrow through Sunday night. There is a chance of showers Sunday night increasing to 40% Monday afternoon to 50% over Monday night. Thundershowers are likely from Tuesday afternoon to midnight Tuesday.

The chance of showers continues through Wednesday but is expected to clear up to sunny days Thursday and Friday, according to the long-range forecast.

Sunny skies predicted through the week

800-rainthreat15-09-16-01WILLIAMS — Clouds loomed over Williams, yesterday morning, threatening a storm. A few drops of rain even dropped. By the afternoon, however, the sun came out and the clouds parted.
640-sunny15-09-17 001
Just in time for the Clean and Beautiful event in Williams, the skies became clean and beautiful. The Clean and Beautiful event will start at 9 a.m. at the Williams Visitor Center parking lot and end with a barbecue at noon.

The long range weather forecast predicts sunny skies in Williams and Flagstaff through the weekend until Monday. A chance of showers returns next week.

Zipline should be open all weekend.

Zipline should be open all weekend.

First Baptist Church hosts movie night Saturday

believeWILLIAMS — The First Baptist Church of Williams is hosting a viewing of the movie Do You Believe this Saturday, September 19 at 5:30. They ask that you RSVP at their office or by signing the sheet at their table in the sanctuary of the Church to ensure enough snacks and drinks. The Church is located on Grant Street behind the Safeway. Their phone number is 928-635-4692.

Thunderstorm hits Williams

Rain15-09-13-3WILLIAMS — Williams received the dose of wet weather it was promised though it looked like we might have a clear day during the morning. The rain started about 2 p.m. and is continuing on through the afternoon.

Thunder and lightning has been light, so far. Thunderstorms are expected to continue through Wednesday night, as of the latest long-range forecast. The long-range forecast also predicts clear and warm weather through next weekend as fall colors are forming in the trees and bushes.

Brown’s Carnival here through Saturday

brown15-09-10-08WILLIAMS — Brown’s Amusements carnival opened last night and will run through Saturday. They are set up along Railroad Avenue across from Rod’s Steak House and the Route 66 Diner. They come to Williams after entertaining at the Coconino County Fair over Labor Day weekend. Tickets and wristbands may be purchased at the carnival or at the Williams Kaibab Forest Visitor Center.

Slight chance of rain Saturday afternoon

fall-clouds15-09-10-02WILLIAMS — Clouds rolled in yesterday appearing ready to douse Williams with yet another monsoon rain. A few thunder-claps could be heard in the distance and a few raindrops fell, but it fell silent.

It was predicted to be clear through Saturday night, but it appears now that there is a slight chance of rain Saturday beginning in the afternoon.

Sunday and Monday there is a 50% chance of rain. This could produce heavy rains and lightning.

The extended forecast shows a possibility of rain through Thursday of next week.

Boxcar bridge in place in Williams

boxcar15-09-10-12WILLIAMS — Traffic on Route 66 was halted for several hours and a crowd formed in Williams, yesterday, to watch as they filled a gap left by the city across the drainage channel through Glassburn Park. The City of Williams worked with historian Al Richmond and the railroad to emplace a 50-foot boxcar to be used as a covered bridge.
The accompanying video mistakenly informs that the property belongs to the Grand Canyon Railway, but it actually belongs to BNSF Railroad.

The City of Williams has been working with Al Richmond and the Railroad to build a railroad history museum in Williams for several years. While that appears to becoming a reality, this bridge project is not part of that, specifically.

The Railroad and the City have been building railroad-themed parks along the property for the last year.

Crews worked into the night to secure the new boxcar bridge.

Crews worked into the night to secure the new boxcar bridge.

Williams originally intended to turn the Babbit-Polson Warehouse into a museum, but technical difficulties could not be overcome at the time. The Community Stage was added about two-years ago.

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