“Here” is the Grand Canyon Railway if you are in Williams.
If you have not already, make sure you take time to vote in the election today. No candidates are on this ballot, but you are voting for something as important. Whether or not to raise property taxes.
In Williams, you will determine whether or not to keep the property tax which supports the Williams Health Clinic.
The Coconino Community College is asking for $4.5 over seven years:
To maintain the operations of Coconino Community College, shall the Coconino County Community College District be authorized to levy a secondary property tax in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 each year for the next seven years. The incremental funding to be used to continue its missions to:
• Maintain Career and Technical education programs that prepare local students for careers as Nurses, Emergency Medical Technicians, Firefighters, Detention Officers, Computer Technicians, Network Engineers, Alternative Energy Technicians and others; and
• Continue to prepare local students for higher education and for transfer to Arizona’s public universities; and
• Maintain programs to train and re-train local workers, in conjunction with local employers, for new occupations and careers in areas including Health Care, Manufacturing, Alternative Energy and others.
The Grand Canyon School and Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified School districts will be asking voters to exceed revenue control limits set by Arizona Revised Statute. The Grand Canyon proposal would add approximately $1.21 per $100 assessed value of your property while the Sedona-Oak Creek proposal claims .21 per $100 assessed value.
At the Williams voting station there is also a poster urging people to become an election board worker. You must be registered to vote in Coconino County and may register online. You may call 928-679-7860 or 800-793-6181 if you have questions.
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